Ethical and Legal Dimensions of Benzodiazepine Prescription
by Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D. and Archie Brodsky, B.A.
From the Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.
Dr. Bursztajn is Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Co-director
of the Program in Psychiatry and the Law, Harvard Medical School at Massachusetts
Mental Health Center. Mr. Brodsky is Senior Research Associate in the
Program in Psychiatry and the Law. Please address reprint requests to
Dr. Bursztajn at the address below.
February 16, 1997
Corresponding author:
Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D.
The use of benzodiazepines presents a unique set of clinical, ethical,
and legal dilemmas. Benzodiazepines are invaluable therapeutic agents
which (in varying degrees) may produce physiological dependence; moreover,
their use may complicate or be complicated by the abuse of other substances.
In prescribing these controlled substances, more than with other medications,
physicians may be perceived to be acting as agents of the state as well
as of the patient, with the potential for ethical conflict that this
dual role entails.
In some circumstances it may be unethical to prescribe benzodiazepines;
in other circumstances it may be unethical to withhold them, even if
prescribing involves risks for the clinician. Benzodiazepines suffer
from guilt by association, in that the clinician who treats street-drug
users will often see benzodiazepines used to self-medicate the consequences
of that abuse. On the other hand, the clinician who treats a more heterogeneous
population may see Valium (diazepam) misuse, but will not see true addiction,
insofar as there is no dose escalation or compulsive use in spite of
adverse consequences. As with insulin and digitalis, drugs needed for
long-term therapeutic use may produce dependence, but that is not the
same as addiction. The closest that benzodiazepine abuse comes to addiction
is as part of a pattern of poly-drug abuse, sometimes with the rationalization
that other chemical addictions require, in compensation, increasing dosages
of benzodiazepines.
Long-term therapeutic use of benzodiazepines occurs primarily in three
groups of patients. The largest group is those with chronic, serious
medical illnesses (e.g., cardiovascular). It would be cruel to deny
to these patients, often well advanced in age, the degree of relief offered
by benzodiazepines. The second group is those with panic disorder.
Whether benzodiazepines are more appropriate for such individuals than
SSRIs or other antidepressants must be decided by weighing therapeutic
versus side effects on a case-by-case basis. However, there is no evidence
of benzodiazepine abuse in this population, and chronic use tends to
result in gradual dose reduction over time. The third group consists
of individuals with chronic psychiatric disorders or repeated instances
of acute stress. Here, too, except for those with personality disorders,
much chronic benzodiazepine use and pharmacological dependence occur
in the context of legitimate treatment.
Typical Dilemmas
Disagreements between clinicians concerned mainly with overuse of benzodiazepines
and those who focus on underuse are based in part on different perspectives,
patient populations, and values. Unfortunately, the salient dimensions of
what should be a clinical controversy have all too often been obscured by
the misuse of the term "addiction," which has created a false analogy
between benzodiazepine dependence and addiction to substances of abuse.
This analogy, in turn, has brought with it irrelevant associations with antisocial
behavior. [
Controversies over benzodiazepine use also reflect a larger debate concerning
the physician's proper role in the treatment of substance abuse, a debate
carried on historically between two major schools of psychiatry. [2]
The objective-descriptive school, founded a century ago by Emil Kraeplin
and represented today by the DSM-IV, [3] values
a relatively paternalistic approach to treatment. By contrast, the "respectable
minority" of psychoanalytically oriented therapists, whose practice
has evolved from Freud's, emphasizes the importance of enhancing patient
autonomy and authenticity. [4] This schism within psychiatry
mirrors the current debate in the substance abuse field, where client-centered
approaches such as "motivational interviewing" [5]
have arisen to challenge the paternalism of the "disease model."
As well summarized by Salzman, [6] the controversies
surrounding benzodiazepine use are centered on three areas: (1) the potential
for abuse, especially in the aftermath of therapeutic use; (2) the appropriateness
of long-term use, in view of the risk of developing dependence and withdrawal
symptoms; and (3) side effects, primarily cognitive impairment. These
controversies have generated sufficient concern that the American Psychiatric
Association issued a task force report on the subject. [7]
This report and other recent sources [8] provide guidelines
for prescribing in various clinical contexts, with indications and contraindications
for different patient populations. While such guidelines are useful
as checklists for administrative purposes or as reminders for chart review,
they are no substitute for the careful review and analysis of risks and
benefits on a case-by-case basis which is the hallmark of psychopharmacological
decision making. [9,10] Sound clinical
practice, supported by forensic psychiatric consultation when necessary,
will carry one through most difficulties. [11,12,13]
Pitfalls for the Physician
Ethical and legal dilemmas begin as clinical dilemmas, sometimes exacerbated
by the constraints of managed health care. Special care needs to be
taken, therefore, when evaluating and treating a variety of vulnerable
populations, including the pregnant patient, [14] institutionalized
populations, such as geriatric residents of nursing homes [15]
and inmates in correctional settings, people who live alone or who have
a history of abuse or a disordered family situation, patients being treated
with methadone, [16] and patients who are facing stresses
such as examinations or testifying in court. [17]
Given that many alcohol and drug abusers also abuse benzodiazepines,
a careful psychiatric examination, substance-abuse screening, and the
recognition of biopsychosocial signs of abuse are imperative. All of
the above is easier said than done, given the increasing time pressures
and devaluation of time spent with patients on the part of many managed-care
reimbursement schemes.
Careful consideration is likewise needed when performing forensic psychiatric
evaluations, such as employment evaluations, including applications of
the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), [18] and
mental-state evaluations in criminal cases, where the question of diminished
capacity resulting from benzodiazepine use or dependency may arise in
the determination of competency to stand trial, in the determination
of criminal responsibility at trial, or as a mitigating factor in sentencing.
[19] Generally, it is best to separate the roles of
the treating clinician and forensic evaluator to avoid complex issues
of dual agency. [20]
The Managed-Care Context
Both the clinical and medicolegal risks of benzodiazepine prescription
are reduced by an ongoing therapeutic alliance, the best foundation
for high-quality care. By getting to know the patient over a period
of time, the physician can prescribe with a deeper understanding
and greater confidence that the patient will work out any resulting
problems within rather than outside the alliance. Managed health
care, by putting a premium on short hospital stays, short-term therapies,
and the fifteen-minute psychopharmacological or internist patient
visit, often precludes long-term alliance building. Physicians feel
compelled not only to prescribe benzodiazepines without adequate
knowledge of the patient, but even to use these drugs as substitutes
for listening to and talking with patients.
Under these conditions, it is sometimes appropriate to build an alliance
around the physician's role of advocating for the patient's health-care
needs. On the other hand, this strategy may risk increasing dependency
on a therapist who begins to be seen as an omnipotent advocate. In such
cases physicians may do better to work with patients so that they can
advocate for themselves. At the same time, in their zeal to avoid feeling
scapegoated, physicians should not fall into the trap of scapegoating
third parties. Instead, they should work with insurers and managed-care
organizations (MCOs) to create cost-effective treatments that meet the
applicable standards of care. [21,22]
Civil Actions
Controversies concerning the appropriate prescription of benzodiazepines
and clinical treatment of benzodiazepine-addicted patients sometimes
resolve themselves in malpractice litigation. Such litigation may
result from the failure to take proper care when monitoring patients
with known histories of substance abuse or from the failure to hospitalize
such patients when appropriate as a precaution against withdrawal
symptoms. Grounds on which clinicians have been sued for malpractice
involving benzodiazepine use include improper diagnosis, prescription
drug interactions, cross-dependence with alcohol, failure to take
appropriate measures to avoid increased drug or alcohol dependence,
failure to obtain informed consent to the development of dependency
on benzodiazepines, and failure to recognize benzodiazepine withdrawal.
A quick search reveals numerous instances of such civil actions in
recent years. Given the risk of accidental death from overdose,
sometimes in combination with other drugs,16 or suicide in the treatment
of substance-abusing or substance-dependent patients, monitoring
for suicidal ideation in the context of a carefully considered and
formulated treatment plan is crucial for avoiding both tragic outcomes
and malpractice litigation.
Duty to third parties. A common conundrum for physicians
prescribing benzodiazepines is the concern that either their proper use
or misuse will lead to harm to third parties. Although this question
is of greatest concern with those (such as airline pilots) who are entrusted
with the safety of others, litigation is more often precipitated by driving
mishaps. [23] In a Canadian sample of drivers and
pedestrians killed in accidents, nearly ten per cent had psychoactive
substances (other than alcohol) in their blood, most often diazepam.
Petch [25] advises that "any drug likely to impair
driving performance should be tried by the patient for a week without
driving," and that, more pointedly, "Failure to inform patients
of the risks of driving while on medication may lead to a claim of negligence
against the prescribing doctor" (p. 614). In fact, increased risk
of driving error occurs mainly after the initial doses of benzodiazepines.
Chronic users at therapeutic doses are generally not at increased risk.
Indeed, when panic and anxiety are successfully treated, diminished distraction
may result in improved driving skills.
Negligent supervision. A psychiatrist who prescribes
benzodiazepines (or any psychotropic medications) to patients seeing
other clinicians for psychotherapy or substance abuse counseling must
keep in mind the doctrine of respondeat superior (also called
vicarious liability), by which supervisors are held liable for harms
suffered by their supervisees' patients. [26] Irrespective
of contractual arrangements or actual lines of authority, a physician
will often be perceived as more than a mere prescriber of medication,
but rather as overall manager of the treatment plan. Physicians who
treat patients receiving substance abuse counseling should be alert for
any harmful effects on patients that may result from unresolved philosophical
differences between the two disciplines. They should likewise be alert
to the relatively high risk of boundary violations (including sexual
abuse of patients) in front-line clinical settings staffed by inexperienced
counselors. [27]
A physician who serves as the psychopharmacology backup may be at particular
risk in such situations, even though the psychopharmacologist's actual
supervisory responsibility may be minimal. At the same time, the mere
assertion of respondeat superior does not guarantee that a plaintiff's
claim will be sustained in court. As Anderson and Bursztajn [28]
"forensic psychiatric expertise can help distinguish real from spurious
claims based on the doctrine of respondeat superior by examining
closely the particular contexts in which supervisory responsibility is
(p. 46).
Sexual abuse: false memory. The effects of diazepam
appear on occasion to contribute to false allegations of sexual abuse
by psychotherapists. The mechanism by which this phenomenon occurs is
unclear, although the tendency for high doses of benzodiazepines to cause
acute anterograde amnesia7 may be suspected, as may their potential to
disinhibit otherwise suppressed thoughts, wishes, and behavior. Normal
therapeutic doses taken regularly tend not to interfere with recall,
except in patients with specific vulnerabilities, such as some elderly,
some chronic trauma victims, and those with fragile boundaries between
fantasy and reality.
In general, accusations against therapists made by drug-dependent patients
need to be carefully evaluated. Patients' perceptions may be distorted
and the clarity and reliability of their memories compromised [29,30,31]
by virtue of both their suffering and the medications they are taking.
A drug that helps a person forget a traumatic event may subsequently
create a temptation to confabulate to fill the gap in memory. On the
other hand, an anxious person may remember less accurately than one whose
anxiety is appropriately treated with benzodiazepines.
Patients also need to be specifically informed of the occasional risk
of inhibition of orgasm and of sexual function generally with benzodiazepine
use. [32,33] Otherwise, there is
a risk of increasing anxiety iatrogenically in vulnerable patients experiencing
side effects in their area of vulnerability.
Administrative Sanctions
Allegations of abuse in the prescription of benzodiazepines are increasingly
directed to medical licensing boards. Allegation of a persistent
pattern of improper prescription may result in license suspension
or even revocation, which may in turn be appealed in state court.
There is a spectrum of allegations to licensing boards, ranging from
claims involving "drug mills" that endanger patients to
infractions of state laws which prohibit physicians from prescribing
controlled substances for themselves or their family members.
Administrative regulation can also become counterproductive. In particular,
the triplicate prescription forms that a number of states require may
well have reduced the appropriate therapeutic utilization of benzodiazepines,
with questionable impact on overall drug abuse rates. As a result, patients
suffering from severe anxiety either have gone untreated or have been
prescribed less safe, less effective medications such as barbiturates.1
Initiatives to replace triplicate prescription with an electronic data
transfer system should be evaluated carefully for their potential impact
on prescribing practice and confidentiality.
Criminal Prosecution
Prosecution of physicians for improper prescription of benzodiazepines
further escalates the confusion of legitimate professional regulation
with drug abuse control. It involves the law in the dynamics of
the patient-physician relationship, and it can draw the physician
into the patient's negotiations with the law. Patients who have
a history of criminal behavior, especially illicit drug use (including
benzodiazepines), may seek, as part of their plea bargains, to incriminate
the treating physician. This expedient blame-shifting can precipitate
well-intentioned but at times tragically misguided criminal investigations
by prosecutors taken in by the specter of a physician dangerously
prescribing psychoactive medications, allegedly for no medical purpose.
[34] In the absence of precautionary consultation,
the most conscientious clinician can face criminal charges after
being taken in by drug enforcement agents posing as patients.
A troubling aspect of such "sting" operations is that the very
anxiety felt by the agents over their undercover role may lend credibility
to their request for benzodiazepines. The misleading appearance of Generalized
Anxiety Disorder can lead the unwary clinician, eager to alleviate the
patient's apparent anxiety, to engage in what appears to be criminal
misconduct. Although an entrapment defense can be raised under such
circumstances, such defenses are difficult in the face of juries already
wary of the medical profession, given the increasingly impersonal nature
of medical practice under today's cost-containment pressures.
The manner in which prosecutors' suspicions are aroused also bears examination.
When prosecutors make deals with criminals so as to bring charges against
physicians, they are listening to individuals who may be taking a variety
of drugs, which leaves them open to distortions of memory and confabulation.
[35] With such unreliable witnesses, intrapsychic
and interpersonal dynamics produce a web of uncertainty. Cases have
often hinged on the testimony of witnesses with severe personality disorders,
in whom forensic psychiatric evaluation might have shown severe impairment
in neurophysiological and/or interpersonal capacities. [35]
The compulsions to which an addicted person is susceptible [36]
may include compulsive lying. This lying is not necessarily for the
purpose of self-absolution, but may even be directed toward self-incrimination
(and incriminating others, such as the physician) or concealment of major
psychiatric illness that would otherwise be mitigating. [37]
That does not mean that everything the person says is to be discounted;
to assume that a person is a liar by virtue of having an addiction would
be discriminatory and untrue. But it argues for a thorough case-by-case
The differential treatment of benzodiazepines and noncontrolled substances
such as Prozac (fluoxetine) can be seen in the resolution of disputes
concerning their alleged misuse. Disputes involving Prozac tend to be
administrative and relatively easily settled, [38]
whereas allegations of misuse of benzodiazepines usually result in imposition
of criminal sanctions. To criminalize benzodiazepine prescription is
to ignore the social, psychological, and moral context -- a context of
intention and meaning -- that defines what is or is not a crime. A person
dependent on benzodiazepines is very different from a person addicted
to crack cocaine. Likewise, even a misguided physician should not be
treated as an antisocial drug dealer when the mens rea (intent)
is not the same.
The current tendency to criminalize clinical, ethical, and civil disputes,
as with patient-therapist sex [39] or physician-assisted
suicide, [40] blurs essential distinctions. Indeed,
polarizing these issues as laissez-faire legalization versus criminalization
reflects an institutional and societal inability to tolerate ambiguity.
The anxiety and rigidity characteristic of such polarized stances are
picked up by clinicians, who become less able to make the wise decisions
that can result from acknowledging and sharing uncertainty with patients.
[41] By contrast, the kind of regulation that fosters
accountability is regulation that respects responsible autonomy. Such
regulation emphasizes education through ethically and clinically informed
dialogue and encourages alternative dispute resolution, with civil litigation
as a last resort.
Principles of Risk Management
Treacherous as they may be, the ethical and legal pitfalls of benzodiazepine
prescription are best avoided or surmounted through sound clinical practice
informed by ethical and legal understanding. Some cardinal principles
of such practice which can usefully be applied to treatment involving
benzodiazepines are as follows:
Use informed consent as an alliance-building process.
Patients taking (or considering) benzodiazepines should be informed of
the potential for physical dependence and the possibility of mild to
moderate rebound with gradual tapering. In the absence of this preparation,
a patient may misinterpret withdrawal symptomatology as a sign of addiction
and develop a pseudo-addiction. At the same time, informed consent means
more than just conveying these necessary specifics. Pro forma informed
consent -- i.e., the mere signing of a consent form after checking off
a list of items -- is of no clinical value and of dubious legal value.
At best, it engages only the patient's cognitive, not affective capacities.
Moreover, among the three legally stipulated components of informed consent,
a signed consent form provides evidence only of information, not of voluntariness
or competence. By contrast, when informed consent is carried out as
a process or dialogue, the clinician shares the uncertainty of the clinical
situation with the patient, so that the patient can share the responsibility
for making wise decisions in spite of that uncertainty. [42]
In the course of this exchange, the clinician can assess the patient's
competence to give informed consent at the affective as well as cognitive
level, [43] with the understanding that at any given
time a person may be competent to make decisions in one area of life
but not in another. [44] At the same time, the patient
has the opportunity to achieve a deep understanding of the implications
of the decisions made. In this way, informed consent becomes a focal
point of an ongoing therapeutic alliance in which the patient, assured
of the clinician's involvement and support, is more likely to carry out
the treatment plan and less likely to retaliate if a setback occurs.
Periodic review of the benefits and risks of the treatment chosen as
well as of other treatment choices is helpful. By creating an atmosphere
of partnership, it can lessen the degree of dependence on the prescribing
physician that a patient taking benzodiazepines may experience. The
meaning of the medication to the patient should be explored periodically
as the nature of the treatment foci and the therapeutic alliance change
in the course of a meaningful treatment.
The clinical benefits of a strong therapeutic alliance have long been
evident to experienced clinicians. Their observations have recently
been confirmed by the NIMH research program on the treatment of depression,
which documented the efficacy of an involved, caring approach to patients.
[45] In the treatment of substance abuse specifically,
research has shown that patients have better outcomes when they can choose
a form of treatment with which they are comfortable and in which they
have confidence. [22,46] This evidence
of the clinical efficacy of informed consent supports practitioners who
emphasize autonomy and authenticity as opposed to coercive indoctrination.
Legally, informed consent has taken on greater importance with rulings
such as the Massachusetts appeals court decision which requires that
a physician explore with the patient the risks and benefits not only
of the recommended course of action, but of all available alternatives.
[47] This decision underscores the physician's responsibility
to consider psychopharmacological as well as psychosocial alternatives
to benzodiazepines. [48,49] For
example, Ambien (zolpidem) has been found to be a relatively safe, efficacious
alternative for treatment of insomnia. [50]
Avoid prescribing medications in isolation from other therapies.
As with any other medications, benzodiazepines can be used most safely
and effectively as part of an overall treatment plan, implemented and
monitored in an ongoing therapeutic alliance. Anxiety, like other forms
of pain and discomfort, presents clinicians with a choice. We want to
alleviate the patient's suffering, and yet we don't want to suppress
the warning signal the patient's anxiety gives us about what needs to
be examined, and perhaps changed, in the patient's life. Ideally, therefore,
benzodiazepines should be used in conjunction with, rather than substituted
for, some form of psychotherapeutic exploration, counseling, or behavioral
treatment plan. Short-term, focused use is the rule; however, with a
specific therapeutic rationale, long-term use can be helpful. While
the anxious, isolated patient may be at particular risk for benzodiazepine
dependence, integrating short-term psychopharmacological relief of anxiety
with psychotherapy focused on conflict resolution and psychosocial integration
may be optimal.
In practice, however, the patient whose immediate suffering the physician
desires to relieve with a prescription may refuse or be unable to afford
(either financially or emotionally) a more comprehensive intervention.
In such situations, the physician must consider the possibility that
doing good in one way may do harm in another, both to the patient and
(in today's punitive atmosphere) the clinician. Seen in the most stark
terms, the physician may need to choose in the short term between abandoning
the patient or acceding to the patient's narcissistic wishes at the start
of treatment. The ethical conflict can be construed as being between
supporting the patient's immediate (albeit drug-clouded) autonomy and
a longer-term (arguably more authentic) autonomy. [51]
Be aware of the decision-making process. High-risk
situations such as these highlight the need to make decisions in a conscious,
deliberate manner, with a deep understanding of the competing values
and probable outcomes involved. All the knowledge gained in psychopharmacology
training will not reliably lead to wise, responsible, legally defensible
decisions unless we apply the maxim "Know thyself" to medical
decision making. This involves an analysis of affect, information processing,
and decision structure on the part of the prescribing clinician. The
former has been traditionally referred to as patient-evoked countertransference.
[52] The latter has been articulated, in the course
of more recent discoveries in the psychology of decision making under
conditions of uncertainty, as an individual clinician's awareness of
heuristics and potential biases such as an overreliance on initial impressions
or vivid past experience (e.g., availability bias). [53]
In daily practice we regularly use implicit decision trees; we need to
make them explicit and share them with the patient whenever possible.
Seek consultations. Consultations with peers, supervisors,
and others with specialized expertise can clarify the decision-making
process, thereby raising the level of clinical care and strengthening
the treating physician's position in administrative or legal actions.
In many cases, the consultation will be in a specialized clinical area
such as psychopharmacology. In cases with complex ethical and legal
implications, forensic psychiatric expertise may be called for to address
issues of risk-management, informed consent, and decision-making structure
and documentation.
It is better, of course, for such consultation to be obtained prospectively
than retrospectively. By analyzing a difficult decision before the fact,
the consulting psychiatrist can help the treating physician exercise
responsible professional discretion in making recommendations to the
patient. After the fact, if an action against the physician has been
initiated, the consultant can work with the physician to reconstruct
the decision-making process and analyze and specify how informed consent
was obtained.
Document the decision-making process. At each stage
of decision making, the physician working with patients at high risk
for litigation can manage that risk by documenting not only what was
done, but how that course of action was chosen. From a risk-management
perspective, a record should be kept of the informed-consent process,
including assessment of the patient's decision-making competence, the
patient's understanding of dependence and rebound, and the careful weighing
by physician and patient of the risks and benefits of alternative courses
of action. A decision that runs counter to standard protocols can more
easily be defended if it is not only carefully considered and voluntarily
chosen by the patient, but also documented in a brief, but explicit and
accurate fashion in the medical record. Thus, whereas long-term treatment
with low doses of benzodiazepines is within a physician's normal prerogatives,
specific documentation of the appropriate use of chronic high-dose treatment
is prudent.
Consider the ethical and legal implications of evaluating and
prescribing by telephone. Potential liability for drug
prescription takes on an added dimension as medicine comes to be
practiced increasingly by telecommunication rather than in person.
In the coming years, the problems that arise in relation to prescribing
by telephone will be extended to the more general areas of evaluation
and treatment via telemedicine. [54] Some commentators
[55] currently take the position that, "In
general, medical practice without any clinical examination of the
patient is contrary to medical ethics." On the other hand,
it may be the best available alternative under certain conditions.
Ethical and Effective Responses to Administrative or Legal Action
What should a physician do when facing administrative or legal action?
It is essential to review the existing documentation of the case.
It is equally essential for the physician, as well as for the physician-expert
retained by the defense, to analyze and reconstruct honestly and
deeply the decision-making process. [56] Seeking
consultation with colleagues and, if the process has advanced to
the point of assembling a defense team, including early on an expert
in psychiatric decision making can make a crucial difference. The
treating clinician also consults to the defense team to educate the
attorney about the facts of the case, while the expert educates the
attorney about the decision-making structure.
Many attorneys, while familiar with the language of psychiatry, are less
well versed in the principles of decision making. In explaining how
these principles were applied, the physician witness and the attorney
should avoid the metaphor of psychiatry as an "art," which
may suggest a retreat from responsibility, without going to the other
extreme of confining themselves in an unrealistically rigid "bench" model
of science.41 Unwarranted lawsuits pertaining to benzodiazepine prescription
have been successfully defended on the grounds that the standard of care
was met [57] or that a causal link between any deviation
from the standard and the damages suffered was not established. [58]
The likelihood of such a successful defense is increased when the physician
understands both how to give ethical and effective testimony and how
to work with an expert retained by the defense attorney to communicate
accurately the structure of decision-making trade-offs. [59]
The authors wish to thank Brian Johnson, M.D., both for his invitation
to compose this essay and for his critical reading. Two other colleagues
also provided invaluable critical readings: Lance P. Longo, M.D., and
Carl Salzman, M.D., Dr. Bursztajn's first mentor in psychopharmacology,
who still provides consultation and a much-appreciated deep understanding
of the psychopharmacology and uses of benzodiazepines. Thanks are also
due those colleagues in the psychopharmacology group on the Internet
who commented on working drafts. Finally, the authors wish to acknowledge
their 17-year collaboration with Thomas G. Gutheil, M.D., and members
of the Program in Psychiatry and the Law at Massachusetts Mental Health
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