Health and Disability Costs of Depressive Illness in a Major U.S. Corporation
by Benjamin G. Druss, M.D., M.P.H., Robert A. Rosenheck, M.D. and William
H. Sledge, M.D.
The American Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 157, No. 8, August
Employers, in their role as health care purchasers, are increasingly
assuming the role of de facto health policy makers in the United States
[1, 2]. Deciding which plans to offer
employees and negotiating rates and benefits with managed care companies
require substantial knowledge about the costs and quality of medical
care [3]. For mental health benefits, stigma and societal
misconceptions make it particularly important that empirical evidence
be available to guide such decisions.
Among the information most central to decisions regarding choice of health
benefits is the cost of the illnesses covered by those benefits. Employers
are the most common purchasers of private insurance, providing 89% of
all private insurance in the United States in 1996 [4].
Employers have an economic stake in understanding not only the direct
costs of care—the costs to the purchaser of treating the illness—but
also many of the indirect costs, such as lost revenues caused by missed
work and decreased productivity [5, 6].
A number of studies have documented high health care costs associated
with treatment of depression, but far less is known about the impact
of depression on absenteeism and disability in the workplace. Depression
is highly associated with impairment in functioning, and it has been
estimated that over 70% of people with major depression are actively
employed [7]. Data from national epidemiologic surveys
demonstrate that individuals with depression report substantial lost
work days due to their illness [6–10]. In a study published
in 1996 [11], major depression was estimated to cost
$6,000 in health-related and work-related costs per depressed worker
and that $4,200 of this amount was borne by employers. However, most
of these studies relied on self-report and on economic assumptions to
arrive at these estimates. Greenberg et al. [12] noted
that most available data on costs of depression "are predicated
on numerous assumptions concerning the prevalence, duration, treatment,
and effects of depression."
The current study was developed as part of a unique collaboration between
university-based researchers and a major U.S. manufacturing corporation.
In this article we assess the health and work costs of depressive illness
within that corporation and compare them with the costs of four other
chronic conditions: diabetes, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, and
back problems.
Study Group
The study examined 1995 data from a large manufacturing corporation that
employs approximately 23,000 individuals throughout the United States.
Data from corporate personnel records were merged with health insurance
claims by using encrypted identifiers. Analyses were conducted on data
for the 15,153 employees who filed any health claims, received their
insurance through the corporation, and were not enrolled in health maintenance
organizations. Data on sick days were available for all enrollees covered
by the Fair Labor Standards Act (N=9,398), most of whom were blue-collar
employees. Analyses of health costs were drawn from the entire study
group, and analyses of sick days and the cost of sick days included all
employees with available sick day data. Table 1 describes the characteristics
of the study group.
Independent Variables
Diagnosis of major depression, dysthymia, or depressive disorder not
otherwise specified during any outpatient or inpatient treatment episode
during 1995 was used as a marker for depressive illness. A total of 412
employees had one or more visits for depressive disorders. Within this
group, 205 (49.8%) were treated for major depression (ICD-9 codes 296.2–296.3),
124 (30.1%) for dysthymia (ICD-9 code 300.4), and 83 (20.1%) for depressive
disorder not otherwise specified (ICD-9 code 296.9).
Four general medical conditions were chosen to provide a benchmark against
which to compare the costs of depression: diabetes, heart disease, hypertension,
and back problems. One or more claims for diabetes (ICD-9 codes 250.0–250.9)
were submitted by 203 employees during 1995. A total of 715 employees
submitted a claim for heart disease (ICD-9 codes 410.0–414.9) during
that period. Hypertension claims (ICD-9 codes 401.0–401.9) were submitted
by 689 employees. A total of 349 employees submitted claims for back
problems (ICD codes 720.0–724.9) (Table 1).
Potential Confounders
Demographic and work-related variables included in multiple regression
models as potential confounders were age, race, sex, annual income, tenure
of employment, education level, and the state in which they were employed.
Univariate statistics for some of these characteristics are presented
in Table 1.
Dependent Variables
Our perspective on costs was that of the purchasers of care and included
costs to the employer, the employee, and other, co-covering, insurance
plans. Since this corporation pays approximately 80% of general medical
costs and 50% of mental health costs, it represents the predominant purchaser
of health care in this group of subjects. Because of the potential difficulties
in using charge data as a proxy for costs [13], we
estimated health costs from the payers’ perspective by summing the amount
of the claim counted toward filling the deductible requirement, copayments,
coinsurance, pharmacy costs, and the amount paid by the corporation for
each claim [14].
Separate analyses were conducted for mental health expenditures and general
health (i.e., non-mental-health) expenditures. Mental health payments
summed all claims submitted to the health plan for any outpatient visit
or hospitalization for which mental disorder was the primary diagnosis
(i.e., ICD-9 codes 290.00–312.99). General medical payments summed all
non-mental-health claims for both outpatient and inpatient treatment.
Total health payments summed mental health and general health expenditures.
Total paid sick and disability costs were available for each employee
during 1995. The cost of disability days was calculated by dividing annual
sick and disability pay expenditures by the employee’s daily salary.
We calculated the total mean costs per employee as the sum of total health
care costs plus total disability costs, controlling for the potential
confounders. Costs for the entire corporation were estimated by multiplying
the costs per enrollee by the number of enrollees with the condition
of interest.
Statistical Techniques
After examining univariate analyses, we used a series of ordinary least-squares
multiple regression equations to model each outcome (costs or sick days)
as a function of a five-level variable (depressive illness, diabetes,
coronary artery disease or hypertension, back problems, or all others).
All models controlled for the following covariates: sociodemographic
characteristics, state in which the enrollee was employed, salary, and
tenure with the corporation. The estimate of the total variance explained
by the models (R2) ranged from 6.0% to 9.9%.
In a second analysis, we examined the effects of depressive comorbidity
on total medical costs by constructing four mutually exclusive groups:
depressive disorder alone, any of the four comparison medical disorders
alone, both depressive and comparison disorders, or neither type of disorder.
R2 values for these models ranged from 6.0% to 8.5%. For all analyses,
least-squares means were used to calculate costs associated with each
condition with adjustments for covariates. Significance (p) values were
adjusted by using the Tukey test for multiple post hoc comparisons.
Health Care Costs
After adjusting for confounders, we found that employees with depressive
illness incurred $4,373 in annual health care costs. These costs did
not differ statistically from any of the four comparison conditions,
but they were significantly higher than the annual costs of $949 for
employees without any of the other conditions (Table 2).
Within the total health care costs, the mean mental health cost per enrollee
associated with depression was $1,341, which, as expected, was significantly
more than the cost for any of the comparison medical conditions. The
cost of non-mental-health care for depressed patients during that time
period was $3,032, significantly lower than the cost of diabetes or coronary
artery disease but significantly higher than the cost for patients without
any of the four index medical conditions (Table 2).
Sick Days
In multivariate models among employees with available work data (N=9,398),
individuals who filed at least one claim for depressive illness took
a mean of 9.9 annual sick days. This was significantly greater than the
number of sick days taken for any of the comparison conditions (Table
To better understand whether certain subgroups of depressed individuals
were driving these high health care costs, we next examined whether there
were interactions between any health or demographic variables and depression.
One of those variables—age—proved to be highly significant. Depressed
individuals younger than age 40 took 3.5 more sick days than those who
were 40 years old or older (for the interaction variable, parameter estimate=3.5,
t=2.94, p=0.003). A similar age effect was evident for two other diagnoses:
diabetes (interaction parameter estimate=7.75, t=4.27, p=0.0001) and
hypertension (interaction parameter estimate=2.35, t=2.49, p=0.01).
Total Health-Related Costs
Patients submitting claims for depressive illness incurred a mean annual
total of $5,415 in health and disability payments. This amount was significantly
higher than the cost of hypertension and similar to the cost for the
other three conditions (Table 3). We estimated the total costs associated
with each illness across the corporation; these estimates take into account
both the mean cost per enrollee and the prevalence of the condition.
The costs of depression and hypertension fell between $2 million and
$3 million per year. Costs of coronary artery disease, because of its
high prevalence and mean cost per employee, were approximately $4 million,
whereas the costs of diabetes and back problems were both closer to $1
million (Table 3).
The Impact of Comorbidity on Health and Disability Costs
To assess the effect of depressive comorbidity on the total costs of
medical illness, we compared the costs incurred by enrollees with depression
plus one of the comparison medical conditions, the costs incurred by
individuals with either depression or any of the four general medical
illness, and the cost for all other employees (Table 4). Enrollees with
either type of condition alone incurred comparable costs. In contrast,
employees with comorbid general medical and depressive illness cost $7,906,
or 1.7 times more than those with either condition alone.
Our findings emphasize the high costs to employers associated with depressive
illnesses, particularly in days missed from work. Depressive illness
within this corporation was associated with comparable health costs and
more sick days than four other chronic illnesses. The combination of
depression and any of these other medical conditions was associated with
substantially higher total costs than those seen for either type of condition
The data used for this study allow a unique opportunity to study the
costs of depression from the perspective of an employer. Nonetheless,
the data also pose several limitations that should be identified before
discussing the results in greater detail. First, the data were gathered
from only one corporation. Although this corporation has a wide geographic
and demographic distribution, caution should be applied before generalizing
the findings to all workplaces. Second, days missed from work represent
only one aspect of the work costs resulting from depression. More than
many chronic illnesses, depressive illness might be expected to result
in decreased productivity while at work as well as on-the-job errors
or accidents [15]. We expect, therefore, that the work
costs of depression relative to other illnesses may be higher than those
reported in this study. Third, claims data invariably rely on provider
visits for both case identification and treatment. This study, therefore,
was not able to identify untreated depressive illness, to assess chronicity
of illness independently from service use, or to determine appropriateness
of care.
The high costs of depression might lead employers to arrive at two, seemingly
opposite, conclusions: either too much is being spent on depressive illness
or these costs reflect high levels of morbidity that require increased
attention and allocation of resources. Two facts suggest that the latter
rather than the former explanation may be more appropriate. First, many
of the excess costs of depression in this corporation were associated
with sick pay rather than with health or mental health care expenditures.
Second, we have reported elsewhere [16] that, within
this corporation, reductions in mental health expenditures over a 3-year
period were followed by an expansion of medical costs as well as a disproportionate
increase in absenteeism among individuals with mental disorders. Since
the current study uses data from the final portion of that 3-year period,
this reduction in mental health benefits may actually be one of the factors
driving up health and disability costs in this study.
Almost one-fifth of the costs of depressive illness in this company were
related to disability pay, and the full effect of depression on productivity
and sick time is likely substantially larger. Furthermore, these costs
appeared to be concentrated in younger workers, a pattern analogous to
that seen in the comparison medical illnesses. This generation of workers,
with less workplace loyalty and more competing responsibilities at home
[17], may be less willing or able to continue to work
when they become sick. As this younger cohort ages, the impact of depression
in the workplace can only be expected to grow larger.
Informed involvement on the part of purchasers may ultimately provide
an important safeguard for high quality of mental health care under managed
care. Employers, even more than health care providers, have a strong
incentive to provide care that will maximize not only the health but
also the functional capacity of their employees. Depression is an illness
whose prevalence and impact on function make such a perspective particularly
Received July 2, 1999; revisions received Nov. 1, 1999, and Feb. 15,
2000; accepted March 3, 2000. From the Departments of Psychiatry and
Public Health, Yale University. Address reprint requests to Dr. Druss,
Departments of Psychiatry and Public Health, Yale University, Department
of Veterans Affairs Connecticut Healthcare System, 950 Campbell Ave.,
116A, West Haven, CT 06516; (e-mail).Funded in
part by grants from the Donaghue Medical Foundation, the National Alliance
for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, and NIMH grant MH-01556.
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