Accountability Without Health Care Data Banks
To the Editor:
Norman Daniels and James Sabin offer an important reminder that managed
health care needs to become publicly accountable for its influence upon
clinical care ("The Ethics of Accountability in Managed Care Reform,"
Health Affairs, September/October 1998). However, policymakers should
be wary of achieving such accountability at the expense of patient/clinician
confidentiality, patients’ choice of physician, and quality of care.
For example, the proponents of health care data banks for monitoring
accountability are asking clinicians and patients to pay a high price;
their proposed mechanism is likely to be ineffective and may even damage
the quality of care by eroding the privacy necessary for stable physician/patient
alliances. [1] Also, the Clinton administration and
others have proposed patients’ bills of rights to improve choice of providers
and quality of care. The significant record-keeping requirements of these
bills may actually produce an opposite effect: decreased patient choice.
Proponents of these measures argue that these outcomes are necessary
tradeoffs for greater accountability on the part of clinicians. However,
not only patient choice but authentic clinical and organizational accountability
are the likely casualties of overemphasis on record-keeping provisions.
Onerous documentation requirements increase the likelihood of health
care monopolies and the risk that such monopolies will be accountable
only for maintaining profits, not for implementing solid health policy
goals. Moreover, bad data are worse than no data. Outcomes measures are
still in their infancy and are at best partial and experimental. Current
measures are misleading and can be manipulated by corporate statistical "spin
The most likely outcome of the proposed documentation mandates is that
"hard," albeit invalid, quantitative data will drive out soft,
qualitative, but more relevant clinical data. Moreover, invalid hard
data are likely to be used for "economic credentialing,"
to exclude from provider panels those clinicians who put high-quality
patient care ahead of managed care’s cost-driven guidelines.
There also is reason to expect that the proposed record-keeping requirements
will further reduce the degree of confidentiality that patients can expect
from their physicians. The requirement for a national health data system
that records diagnostic codes, requires a national health identification
number, and makes information accessible to law enforcement under the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 is only the
clearest case. [2] In today’s managed care environment,
time pressures, clinicians’ potential economic conflicts of interest,
and mandated data-gathering requirements that invade patients’ privacy
further erode patients’ trust in physicians. When documentation, rather
than the goals of clinical care, becomes a priority, it distracts and
obstructs the healing potential of an effective doctor/patient relationship.
Relying on the managed care industry to implement health care outcomes
measures is more likely to prevent rather than to foster genuine clinical
accountability. Sick and already anxious patients should not have to
wonder why their doctor is asking them questions and who is likely to
be privy to their answers.
There are a variety of ways to create genuine accountability without
sacrificing patient choice or confidentiality. These include the evaluation
of single case studies, controlled clinical trials, and systematic peer
consultation. Continuing medical education is a vital but often neglected
tool for measuring quality and health care accountability. So is allowing
patients to secure a second opinion through a consultation. Such consultations
are less likely than are outcomes measures and guidelines to be subject
to the covert influence of managed care organizations. While well constructed
studies with randomization and patient consent can contribute to the
outcomes debate, especially research not funded by the health care industry
also needs to be expanded.
Clinical accountability can best be ensured by renewed adherence to primary
standards of clinical care such as good doctoring and securing informed
consent, not in a pro forma manner, but as part of the process of high
quality treatment. Too many patients now experience de facto captivity
because they lack a choice of health plans or providers. [3]
The proposed data-collection mandates do not allow patients to opt out
of having their health care data collected at all. Yet such mandated
data collection and documentation subject patient care to nonconsensual
and, at best, experimental influence and manipulation, because the usefulness
of databases is unproven. For the government to impose what amounts to
an experimental health care practice by assuming that care should be
organized so that its outcomes are "measurable" is contrary
to the goals of accountability, ethical concerns, and high-quality care.
Harold J. Bursztajn
Harvard Medical School
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Richard Sobel
Harvard Law And Medical Schools
Cambridge, Massachusetts
H. Bursztajn et al., Medical
Choices, Medical Chances: How Patients, Families, and Physicians
Can Cope with Uncertainty (New York: Routledge, Chapman, and
Hall, 1990).
R. Pear, "Plan
Would Broaden Access of Police to Medical Records," New
York Times, 10 September 1997, 1.
H. Bursztajn, "Medical Necessity, Managed
Health Care, Denial of Benefits, and the Nuremberg Code" (Presentation
to the symposium,
"Medical Ethics:Who Gets the Care?," Princeton University,
29 May 1997).