Medical and Judicial Perceptions of the Risks Associated with Use of
Antipsychotic Medication
Harold Bursztajn, MD; Benzion Chanowitz, PhD; Eric Kaplan, MD;
Thomas G. Gutheil, MD; Robert M. Hamm, PhD; and Victoria Alexander,
Drs. Bursztajn, Chanowitz, Kaplan, and Gutheil
and Ms. Alexander are affiliated with the Program in Psychiatry and the
Law, Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Hamm
is affiliated with the Center for Research on Judgment and Policy, University
of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. Address reprint requests to Dr. Gutheil,
Massachusetts Mental Health Center, 74 Fenwood Rd., Boston, MA 02115.
To determine whether occupational
perspective influences the decision to prescribe antipsychotic medications,
we presented a group of psychiatrists and judges with a hypothetical
case involving a potentially psychotic patient. The subjects were
asked what probability of drug-induced tardive dyskinesia they would
accept in order to prevent psychotic decompensation. The subjects
were then asked to estimate the actual probability that tardive dyskinesia
would occur if the patient received antipsychotic medications. From
the responses to these questions we inferred their treatment decisions.
Although the psychiatrists and judges agreed on an acceptable level
of risk, they differed significantly in their estimates of the actual
risk involved and, by inference, their decisions concerning treatment.
Our findings have several implications for adjudication of cases
involving treatment decisions and the right to refuse treatment.
One suggested wellspring of the malpractice crisis, as well as of widespread
difficulties in communication between the medical and legal professions,
is the notion that clinicians and judges may approach problems in patient
care differently because of their divergent perceptions of the risks
involved. This paper examines empirically how psychiatrists and judges
perceive the risks and benefits of prescribing an effective medication
with possibly serious side effects.
While physicians necessarily make risk-benefit decisions prospectively,
in deciding whether to prescribe medications, [1,2]
the legal profession is usually involved retrospectively, after a bad
outcome, as in the determination of whether a medical decision represented
good practice or a deviation from good practice—that is, malpractice.
Little information exists on the "set points" [3,4]
of the two professions. In other words, for clinicians and judges, at
what point do the perceived risks of a given treatment become "excessive," so
that a decision to proceed with that treatment would constitute a deviation
from the standard of care?
To examine this question, we presented a group of psychiatrists and a
group of judges with a clinical vignette concerning the possible use
of an antipsychotic drug that may induce tardive dyskinesia. We questioned
the two groups of subjects about their perceptions of the risks involved
in prescribing the medication in this case. Specifically, we wanted to
know what degree of risk subjects would tolerate to obtain the benefits
of such treatment. We expected to find differences in the responses of
the two groups, reflecting different perceptions of the risks of treatment
in relation to its benefits.
We presented 70 psychiatrists and 41 judges, all of whom were attending
symposia devoted to medicolegal issues, with the following vignette:* A
20-year-old patient of yours becomes violently psychotic when taking
any less than a neuroleptic equivalent of 400 mg of Thorazine. As you
know, Thorazine is effective in reducing psychotic behavior, but its
continuing use is associated with tardive dyskinesia (involuntary muscle
The subjects were asked two questions about this case:
What probability of tardive dyskinesia would you risk or accept to
prevent recurrence of psychosis in this 20-year-old patient?
What is the probability that this patient will get tardive dyskinesia
if continued on medication?
From the responses to these questions, we obtained three dependent variables
for each subject. The response to the first question provided a measure,
from 0 to 100 percent, of the respondent's tolerance of the risk (inducing
tardive dyskinesia) in order to obtain the benefit (preventing psychosis)
of the treatment. The response to the second question yielded an estimate,
from 0 to 100 percent, that the patient would develop tardive dyskinesia
if the drug were prescribed as stated in the vignette. We inferred the
subject's treatment decision by subtracting the value of the second measure
from the value of the first. This third measure represents an adjusted
expression of what the individual would actually decide to do, given
the perceived risks and benefits of the medication. A positive number
indicates that the subject perceives the benefits as outweighing the
risks, from which we would infer a decision to prescribe the medication;
a negative number reflects the perception that the risks outweigh the
benefits, which would be consistent with a decision not to prescribe.
Mean responses to the first question (what probability of tardive dyskinesia
respondents would tolerate in order to prevent the recurrence of psychosis)
did not differ significantly for the two groups of subjects (psychiatrists:
50.5 percent, judges: 48.1 percent; see Table 1). In other words, the
psychiatrists and judges seemed to agree about the value of inhibiting
psychosis relative to the risk of side effects.
However, the two groups responded quite differently to the second question,
which asked for an estimate of the actual risk of tardive dyskinesia
associated with the continued use of medication. The judges estimated,
on average, that the medication carried a 62.5 percent probability of
tardive dyskinesia, whereas the psychiatrists gave an average estimate
of 25 percent (see Table 1).
Table 1
Mean Responses as a Function of Profession
(Psychiatrists vs. Judges) |
Value Assessment [a]
(%) |
Probability Assessment [b]
(%) |
Action [c]
(%) |
Psychiatrists |
50.5 |
25.0 |
25.5 |
Judges |
48.1 |
62.5 |
-14.4 |
a "What probability of TD
would you risk/accept to prevent recurrence of psychosis In this...
b "What is the probability that this patient
will get TO if medication Is continued?" F(1,92) = 54.2, p < .001.
c Computed decision to prescribe: a minus
b, F(1,90) = 29.7, p < .001. |
The significance of this difference in responses to the second question
became clear when we subtracted the percentage value of each individual's
response to the second question from the value of the response to the
first question. As described above, this yielded a positive or negative
number, from which we inferred the subject's treatment decision in the
case vignette. As an example, if a subject estimated a 30 percent chance
that the neuroleptic would induce tardive dyskinesia in the patient (question
2) and would tolerate a 50 percent chance of complications (question
1), the adjusted expression would have a positive value of 20 (50 - 30).
For this subject, the perceived benefits outweigh the perceived risks,
suggesting a willingness to prescribe the medication. On the other hand,
a subject who estimated a 60 percent risk of tardive dyskinesia yet would
tolerate only a 45 percent chance of complications would have a negative
adjusted expression of -15 (45 - 60), indicating that the perceived risk
outweighs the perceived benefit and suggesting that this subject would
probably not be willing to prescribe the medication.
In fact, these two examples correspond to the average responses by the
psychiatrists and the judges, respectively. As Table 2 shows, 87 percent
of the psychiatrists in our study (59 of 68) had a positive adjusted
expression, suggesting that they felt the benefits of prescribing the
neuroleptic in this case outweighed the risks. In contrast, 59 percent
of the judges (20 of 34) would probably have been unwilling to prescribe
the medication (or, more realistically, to condone its prescription retrospectively)
because the perceived risks were too great. (Nine subjects who failed
to answer both questions were dropped from the analysis.)
Table 2
Decision to Prescribe by Profession |
Decision |
(%) |
(%) |
To Prescribe |
87 |
41 |
Not To Prescribe |
13 |
59 |
Chi-square analysis: x^2(1) = 20.96, p < .0001. |
In this study psychiatrists and judges differed greatly in their perceptions
of the risks associated with antipsychotic medication and, by inference,
in their willingness to prescribe such medication. Whereas the psychiatrists
estimated a 25 percent risk that neuroleptics medication would induce
tardive dyskinesia, the judges' estimate of that risk was 62 percent.
Various clinical studies of incidence suggest that the actual probability
of tardive dyskinesia is between 5 and 20 percent. [5,6]
The two groups of subjects apparently agreed on a tolerable level of
risk, yet the disparity in their perceptions of the actual risk involved
suggests that they would have opposing views of the treatment question:
whereas the psychiatrists would probably choose to treat the patient,
the judges would be likely to forego treatment.
Our data shed light on the problems that emerge when cases of malpractice
[7,8] relating to medications and those
involving the right to refuse neuroleptic treatment are adjudicated.
If our sample of judges is representative of those who deal with such
issues in court, then judges are substantially overestimating the probability
that antipsychotic treatment will induce tardive dyskinesia. While agreeing
with clinicians on the level of risk that is acceptable in order to obtain
the benefits of medication, they may weigh the actual risks and benefits
differently. Thus, judges may tend to view clinicians' treatment decisions
as reckless.
In an actual malpractice case, of course, expert witnesses can educate
both judge and jury on the risks of the treatment in question. Nevertheless,
the empirical findings of cognitive psychology [9,10]
indicate that people are reluctant to revise their initial probability
estimates. [10] This relative incorrigibility is magnified
by another well-established empirical principle: hindsight bias. In the
context of a malpractice suit, brought in the wake of a tragic outcome,
it is difficult not to see that outcome as inevitable in retrospect.
Differences in occupational perspective undoubtedly influence the disparity
in risk perceptions between our two groups of subjects. For one thing,
clinicians make treatment decisions prospectively, whereas judges hearing
malpractice cases must address such decisions retrospectively, after
a harm has occurred. Thus, the courts tend to be more attuned to the
potential harms of the treatment in question than to its benefits; that
is, they are "risk-averse." In addition, the harms of treatment are concrete
and therefore more susceptible to courtroom demonstration than the harms
of no treatment. One can point out the abnormal movements that characterize
tardive dyskinesia, but it would be difficult, and perhaps unethical,
to do the same with untreated psychosis. Among the possible harms of
withholding neuroleptic treatment for serious mental illness are prolonged
hospitalization, stigma, social alienation, loss of employment, and homelessness.
Similarly, the benefits of treatment—say, 10 years of living independently
in the community without rehospitalization—are less easily demonstrated
concretely in court than the harms.
Malpractice cases involving neuroleptic treatment have received considerable
publicity recently, with some claims in the millions. Fearful of such
litigation, many physicians have altered their perceptions of the risks
that neuroleptics treatment poses. In addition to the clinical risk of
tardive dyskinesia, they perceive the legal risk of a liability claim.
Unfortunately, they may be tempted to approach treatment decisions not
in terms of what they view as appropriate medical practice but rather
in terms of what they believe a judge (or jury) would think is appropriate
medical practice. That is, they may practice defensively, adopting a
legal perspective in making a clinical decision. Ironically, by doing
so they allow their own legal concerns to take precedence over the medical
interests of their patients, making themselves more rather than less
vulnerable to malpractice litigation. [7]
Although our study confirms the impression that physicians and judges
tend to approach problems of patient care differently, the news is not
all bad. The point at which the two professions diverge is in their estimates
of actual risk, not in their views of an acceptable level of risk. This
suggests that an educational dialogue between the professions, starting
at the training stage, could result in a clearer basis for defining acceptable
practice, by clarifying the actual clinical risks associated with neuroleptics
treatment. Psychiatrists need to use clinical, not legal, criteria in
making treatment decisions; and judges need to learn, through expert
witnesses, the clinical facts that can help them evaluate those decisions
from a legal perspective.
Thanks to Leslie M. Levi lor her help in the preparation of this manuscript.
*It should be apparent that judges and psychiatrists
attending a symposium on medicolegal issues may be a biased sample.
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