On Being Mentored and Mentoring
Leston Havens, M.D. - psychiatrist, writer, professor and Honorary ISPS
member, died July 29, 2011. He had been in hospice care in Belmont, not
far from Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he worked for so many years.
He was 86.
Leston Laycock Havens was born in New York on July 31, 1924. He grew up
in Brooklyn, the younger of two children, and the son of an attorney.
He attended Williams College, graduating in 1947 having studied history
and philosophy. He earned his medical degree from Cornell in 1952.
He began his residency in internal medicine in New York; in 1954 he began
psychiatric residency at Boston Psychopathic Hospital. Over the years
he had affiliations with Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts Mental
Health Center, Cambridge Hospital, and the Boston Psychoanalytic Society
and Institute. Dr. Havens was the keynote speaker at the 2005 ISPS-US
annual meeting. He is the author or co-author of seven books.
Participant Observation: The Psychotherapy Schools In Action (Jason
Aronson, 1995)
Approaches to the Mind: Movement of the Psychiatric Schools from
Sects Toward Science (Little, Brown, 1973)
The Real World Guide to Psychotherapy Practice, with Alex N. Sabo
(Harvard, 2000)
Learning to be Human (Perseus, 1994)
Making Contact: Uses of Language in Psychotherapy (Harvard, 1988)
Coming to Life: Reflections on the Art of Psychotherapy (Harvard,
A Safe Place: Laying the Groundwork of Psychotherapy (Harvard, 1996)
Harold Bursztajn, M.D., a member of the Boston area branch [of ISPS],
first met Havens in 1973. "He was a faculty and I was a student
member of the Harvard Medical School's Admissions Subcommittee chaired
by the legendary medical diagnostician, A. Stone Freedberg, M.D. In one
instance, one of the youngest applicants ever to be considered by Harvard
Medical School was interviewed by me and presented to the committee.
Freedberg was trying his best to be skeptical yet open-minded and asking "What
is the evidence?" and Havens was deeply engaged in listening.
"As the discussion proceeded the remainder of the committee passionately
and vociferously became focused on the applicant's age, diversity of
interests, and lateness in arriving for the scheduled interview to conclude
incorrigible immaturity … I, the presenter, was the only student
member. It seemed that it was a foregone conclusion that the candidate
was going to be rejected. Yet, just before the vote was taken, Freedberg
turned to Les. In a few sentences, Les acknowledged, even empathized
with the objections raised; he then proceeded to detail how in the course
of reflecting on the data presented, he had, much to his own surprise,
discovered himself as being blindly prejudiced by the distractions of
age, diversity of interest, and the annoyance of being tightly scheduled
himself. He then went over the gist of the data that had been presented.
And then stated, he had changed his mind and was now supportive of the
"There was a stunned silence in the room. The ever open-minded Freedberg
joined Les to say that, as skeptical as he had been, he had changed his
mind. The applicant was admitted; and as I have had the opportunity to
first mentor that applicant and then follow his career over nearly four
decades, he has been a wonderful contributor to many a patient's quality
of life."
Said Bursztajn, "I have had the opportunity to subsequently be taught
and mentored by Les and work with him, and his mentees and colleagues
as a colleague. There are a variety of contributions that Les has made
to the care of patients suffering from psychosis and at high risk for
suicide. I hope that Les's commitment to be free to explore his own humanity
and identify his own countertransference, to share what was helpful of
that process with his colleagues and patients in the service of patient
care, and to change his mind will not be forgotten."