VA Human Research Protection Accreditation Program Accreditation Standards
August 16, 2001
2000 L Street
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036
Institutional Responsibilities (INR)
Individual IRB Structure and Operations (IRB)
Consideration of Risks and Benefits (CRB)
Recruitment and Subject Selection (RSS)
Privacy and Confidentiality (PCF)
Informed Consent (ICS)
Purpose and organization of Introduction
The purpose of this introduction is to provide background and context
for the VA Human Research Protection Accreditation Program and the standards
that will be used to assess human research protection at the VA Medical
Centers. The introduction is organized as follows:
Overview of accreditation program
Principles and concepts of human subject protection
Development of accreditation program and standards
Organization of standards
Use of standards to assess VA Medical Center human research protection
Accreditation outcomes
Continuous quality improvement
Overview of accreditation program
The Department of Veterans Affairs contracted with NCQA to develop and
implement an accreditation program for Veterans Affairs Medical Center
(VAMC) Human Research Protection Programs (HRPPs). While Federal regulations
for the protection of human research subjects have been in place for
three decades, this program is the first to routinely and independently,
assess human research protections.
Purpose of Accreditation program
The purpose of the accreditation program is to strengthen the protections
afforded human subjects of research at VAMCs through an ongoing program
of independent, external review. Accreditation of VAMC HRPPs, can assure
the public that research is performed that meets standards for the protection
of study volunteers. Such assurance can be expected to strengthen public
support for, and participation in, the VAMCs' research programs. The
VA Office of Research and Development promulgates policy for VAMCs that
conduct research. The VA Office of Research Compliance and Assurance
provides education and assistance to VAMCs in implementing policy and
works to assure regulatory compliance in VAMC research programs. The
purpose of accreditation is to provide independent, external validation
that HRPPs are in place, functioning properly and effectively protecting
human subjects.
Purpose, scope and effective date of accreditation standards
The purpose of these accreditation standards is to specify minimum performance
expectations for VAMC HRPPs and to enable surveyors to make valid and
reliable assessments of HRPP performance. These standards are intended
to apply to all VAMCs that conduct human research including those that
operate their own IRBs, those that operate an IRB jointly with another
VAMC or affiliated university, and those that delegate IRB functions
to another VAMC's or affiliated university's IRB. This version of the
standards, dated August 16, 2001, will be in effect until July 31, 2002.
Further development of the standards will occur through annual review
and revision cycles.
Principles and concepts of human subject protection
There is a large international body of literature concerning the ethics
of experimentation on humans. Formal ethical principles for protecting
subjects began to develop with the Nuremberg Code, written in response
to the horror of experiments conducted in Nazi Germany on concentration
camp inmates. These principles have continued to develop through the
Declaration of Helsinki as it has been periodically updated. In the United
States, the Belmont Report codifies the ethical principles that underlie
modern concepts of human subject protection.
Principles of human subject protection
The Belmont Report outlines three key principles for protecting human
subjects of research: respect for persons, beneficence and justice. These
principles form the basis for the current regulations and structures
established to protect human subjects in research. The institutional
review board (IRB) has as its essential function, to ensure that research
benefits outweigh their risks (beneficence). The IRB's focus on assuring
fully informed consent addresses the principle of respect for persons.
Finally, the IRB's consideration of the equitable distribution of the
risks and potential benefits of research addresses the principle of justice.
Concept of Human Research Protection Program
Regulations detail the various responsibilities of IRBs, investigators
and research sponsors for protecting human research subjects. Federalwide
Assurances and their predecessors, the Multiple Project Assurances and
VA MPA Contracts Single Project Assurances, outline the responsibilities
for human research protection of institutions engaged in research. This
accreditation program, aimed at the HRPP within the VAMC, is built on
the assumption that the VAMC as an institution is accountable for the
protection of human research subjects who engage in its research enterprise.
Each VAMC that conducts human research holds an assurance with the Federal
Office of Human Research Protections or the VA Central Office, Office
of Research Compliance and Assurance, and each VAMC is responsible for assuring compliance
with human research protection regulations. The VAMC has the authority
to hire or appoint, train, supervise and discipline investigators. It
is responsible to assure the scientific merit of the research conducted
within the institution and to assure that human research subjects are
protected. The VAMC must have, or make arrangements for, IRB review of
research, and it must assure that both the review and conduct of research
protects human subjects and meets regulatory requirements. The VAMC,
as part of this assurance function, must conduct compliance assurance
and continuous quality improvement of its HRPP functions. In short, the
VAMC must operate a comprehensive and organized system to protect
those who would volunteer to participate as subjects in its research.
This comprehensive system is what we have referred to as the human
research protection program (HRPP). In the VAMCs the HRPP consists
of a variety of individuals and committees. These include institutional
officials; the Research and Development (R&D) Committee, one or more
IRBs, which may be subcommittees of the R&D Committee or may be constituted
by affiliated VAMCs or university medical or dental schools; IRB staff;
investigators; research staff; research pharmacists and others. Except
for the specific requirements established in regulation or VA policy,
the standards for accrediting HRPPs are flexible with respect to how
HRPPs are organized and how human subject protections are carried out.
The VAMC need not establish all new committees or departments to carry
out human research protection functions. Indeed, many of these functions
may already be housed within existing structures, committees, and jobs.
Development of accreditation program and standards
Development of accreditation program
This program is being implemented using a phased approach with the intention
of improving human research protections over time. In the introductory
year of the program, standards largely mirror regulatory requirements,
and they apply to the one year period preceding the survey. In the future,
accreditation requirements will become more rigorous, increasingly focusing
on performance results, demonstrated by the VAMC's internal quality improvement
efforts. Renewal surveys will cover the three-year period between the
initial survey and the renewal survey. This phased approach allows rapid
implementation of the accreditation program, and it stimulates VAMCs
to improve their HRPPs while being held accountable for requirements
that are well established. As requirements for accreditation develop
and increasingly emphasize results, their advance publication will be
important to enable the VAMCs to come into compliance with those requirements.
Development of standards
The principal sources used to develop and inform this initial set of
requirements were:
VA regulations at 38 CFR 16,17
DHHS regulations at 45 CFR 46
FDA regulations at 21 CFR 50, 56, 312 and 812
VA policy as documented in the M-3, Part I, Chapters 2, 3 and 9
VA policy as documented in the M-2, Part VII, Chapter 6
FDA Information Sheets
International Conference on Harmonization, Good Clinical Practice
OHRP Compliance Activities: Common Findings and Guidance
OHRP IRB Guidebook.
NCQA started work on the standards by obtaining agreement from the VA
on the sources to be consulted for current requirements for human subject
protections in VA Medical Centers. NCQA then convened a Program Standards
Committee, comprised of experts in human research and human research
protections, to review and comment on various drafts of the standards.
The Committee commented on the organization, content and emphasis of
the standards, various approaches to scoring, and performance thresholds.
NCQA provided draft standards to the Institute of Medicine Committee
on Assessing the System for Protecting Human Research Subjects and received
significant feedback in its report, Preserving Public Trust: Accreditation
and Human Research Participant Protection Programs. An Advisory
Group, more broadly constituted than the Standards Committee, spent a
day debating a variety of issues and concerns that had direct bearing
on the standards. NCQA issued the draft standards for public comment,
and received approximately 200 comments from 14 sources. Finally, NCQA
conducted a series of test site visits and pilot accreditation surveys
to VAMCs. NCQA used comments from the Standards Committee, Advisory Group,
IOM committee and the public, along with findings from the pilot surveys,
to guide revisions to the standards.
Organization of standards
The standards are organized into the following six domains:
Institutional Responsibilities
IRB Structure and Operations
Consideration of Risks and Benefits
Recruitment and Subject Selection
Privacy and Confidentiality
Informed Consent.
Within each domain, the standards are organized to indicate a chain of
activity, from plans, policy and procedure (suggesting intent), through
results (demonstration that the intent is being met and the desired outcome
achieved). Standards pertain to the following functions:
Plans, policies and procedures
Performance of required activities
Evaluation and improvement (quality assurance and quality improvement)
In this document unless otherwise specified, the term "standards" encompasses
the entire set of performance expectations. These expectations are expressed
in increasing detail, in the following ways. Each domain includes a statement
of rationale. Within the domain there is one or more over-arching standards,
used to organize or group a set of more specific requirements. Each requirement
is further defined by one or more elements, and each element contains
one or more factors. The survey is designed to assess compliance with
each factor.
Use of standards to assess VAMC HRP programs
Trained and certified surveyors, who have been screened for conflict
of interest with the VAMC, will conduct the assessment of VAMC HRPPs.
VAMCs will submit materials documenting compliance with the standards
in advance of the scheduled survey. NCQA staff will evaluate these documents
and make compliance assessments, where possible, prior to the site visit.
Surveyors will start with the NCQA staff findings, and through interviews,
observation and review of a random sample of protocol files, verify the
staff findings and complete the assessment. Surveyors will document all
findings and make compliance designations with each element; however,
they will not decide the accreditation outcome for the VAMC. Surveyors
will prepare a report for NCQA. The draft survey report will be submitted
to the VAMC first, for review and, if necessary, correction before it
is finalized. The Program Accreditation Committee, a committee of experienced
surveyors, will review the final report and make the accreditation determination.
There are a total of 100 points possible under this accreditation program.
The 100 points are distributed across 130 elements, according to the
strength of the relationship of the element to protecting human subjects
and to underlying regulation. Those elements that have the strongest
direct relationship to protecting subjects and are derived directly from
regulation are scored most heavily. For example, elements that address
IRB consideration of risks to privacy are scored more heavily
than elements that address IRB documentation of consideration of
risks to privacy because the documentation requirement is an interpretation
and not a literal requirement specified in regulation.
Each element includes a scoring guideline, which details the requirements
for full, partial, or no score on that element. Each element also has
an associated maximum accreditation achievable (MAA),
when the score for that element is 0%.
Accreditation outcomes
An accreditation survey will result in one of three possible outcomes: "Accredited," "Accredited
with Conditions" or "Not Accredited." A VAMC need not
get all 100 points to receive an outcome of "Accredited." However,
it must receive at least partial score on every element with an MAA of "Accredited
with Conditions." A VAMC that gets no credit on numerous elements
with an MAA of "Accredited with Conditions" may have its accreditation
outcome downgraded to "Not Accredited" by the Program Accreditation
Committee if deficiencies are numerous and serious.
Continuous quality improvement
This accreditation program is itself, subject to continuous quality improvement.
Surveyors, VAMCs, VA Central Office staff, committee members and the
public are all potential sources of improvement suggestions. Standards
will be updated on an annual cycle, taking into account changes in regulation
and policy, as well as suggestions for improvement. Suggestions for operational
improvement will be continuously logged and evaluated periodically. Operational
changes will be implemented as needed. Suggestions for improvements to
policy and regulation will be communicated to the relevant government
agency. The accreditation program is subject to the same expectations
for continuous quality improvement, as the HRPPs that it is designed
to assess.
ADVERSE EVENT (AE) – Any untoward event associated with a research
study. The event does not necessarily have a causal relationship with
treatment or study intervention. An AE can be any unfavorable and unintended
sign, symptom or disease.
VAMC's academic affiliate. See HRPP.
CERTIFICATE OF CONFIDENTIALITY – Where data are being collected
from subjects about sensitive issues (such as illegal behavior, alcohol
or drug use, or sexual practices or preferences), researchers can obtain
an advance grant of confidentiality from the Public Health Service that
will provide protection against involuntary disclosure of the research
subjects identity and the subject's participation in the study, even
against a subpoena for research data.
CONTINUING REVIEW – Periodic review by the IRB of active research
for the purpose of re-approving, requiring modifications, disapproving,
terminating or suspending the study. CONTINUING REVIEW must occur
at least annually, as determined by the IRB. See also ONGOING MONITORING.
DOMAIN – A logical grouping of standards. Within the standards,
there is a hierarchy of organization. The DOMAIN is the highest level
of the hierarchy, and provides organization. Within each DOMAIN,
standards are grouped into STANDARDS, REQUIREMENTS, ELEMENTS and
FACTORS. The standards are organized into six DOMAINS: Institutional
Responsibilities; IRB Structure and Operations; Consideration of
Risks and Benefits; Recruitment and Subject Selection; Privacy and
Confidentiality; Informed Consent.
up of multiple ELEMENTS, each of which can be separately assessed
and which provide additional detail about the performance expectation.
FACTOR – One part, or component, of an ELEMENT. ELEMENTS may
be made up of one or more FACTORS.
FDA FORM 3454 – The financial disclosure form required by the FDA
to reveal/identify any potential financial conflict of interest that
an investigator(s), sub-investigator(s) or their spouse and children
may have that is applicable to the submission of marketing applications
for human drug, biological product, or device for each covered study.
FEDERALWIDE ASSURANCE (FWA) – An agreement or contract between
the institution and OHRP, on behalf of the Secretary, DHHS, stipulating
the method(s) by which the organization will protect the welfare of research
subjects in accordance with the regulations. The Assurance, approval
of which is a condition of receipt of DHHS support for research involving
human subjects, spells out the organization's responsibilities for meeting
the requirements of 45 CFR 46. The FWA replaces all other previous forms
of assurance (i.e., MPA, SPA, VA MPA, etc.). All VA facilities conducting
human research will be required to maintain an FWA.
FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA) – The Federal agency responsible
for the regulation of food, drugs and cosmetics, including the human
subject research performed for FDA-regulated articles.
HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION PROGRAM (HRPP) – The systematic and comprehensive
approach by an organization to ensure human subject protection in all
research. The implementation of any part of the program may be delegated
to specific committees, individuals or entities (i.e., academic affiliate
or another VAMC) by the organization.
HUMAN SUBJECT – A living individual about whom a research investigator
(whether professional or student conducting research) obtains data through
intervention or interaction with the individual or identifiable information.
IRB is constituted as a subcommittee to the R&D Committee.
INSTITUTION – Refers to an individual VAMC/HCS. The institution
retains ultimate responsibility for human subject protection in research
conducted at their facility and/or by their staff.
INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD (IRB) – An independent committee comprised
of scientific and non-scientific members established according to the
requirements outlined in Title 38, part 16 (same as Title 45, part 46
and Title 21, part 56) of the U. S. Code of Federal Regulations. The
IRB may also be referred to as the HUMAN STUDIES SUBCOMMITTEE of the
R&D Committee. Other committees with the same or similar functions
are also considered to be IRBs.
the FDA permits a device that otherwise would be required to comply with
a performance standard or to have premarket approval to be shipped lawfully
for the purpose of conducting investigations of that device.
new drugs or biologics, including the new use of an approved drug, are
registered with the FDA for administration to human subjects. An IND
number is assigned by the FDA to the drug or biologic for use in tracking.
INVESTIGATOR (Principal investigator) – An individual who conducts
an investigation, i.e., under whose immediate direction research is conducted,
or, in the event of an investigation conducted by a team of individuals,
is the responsible leader of that team.
INVESTIGATOR/SPONSOR – A term defined in the FDA regulations as
an individual with responsibility for initiating and conducting a research
IRB DOCUMENTATION – Any written evidence of the IRB's consideration,
evaluation, and/or assessment of proposed or active research.
other body authorized under applicable law to consent on behalf of a
prospective subject to the subject's participation in the procedure(s)
involved in research.
MEDWATCH - The FDA Medical Products Reporting Program, is an initiative
designed both to educate all health professionals about the critical
importance of being aware of, monitoring for, and reporting adverse events
and problems to FDA and/or the manufacturer and to ensure that new safety
information is rapidly communicated to the medical community, thereby
improving patient care. The purpose of the MedWatch program
is to enhance the effectiveness of postmarketing surveillance of medical
products as they are used in clinical practice and to rapidly identify
significant health hazards associated with these products.
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) – A written agreement outlining
the details of the relationship between organizations, including the
responsibilities of each. Such an agreement is used by the VAMC to delineate
the terms and conditions under which it may utilize another entity's
MINIMAL RISK – The probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort
anticipated in the research are not greater in and of themselves than
those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance
of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests.
MULTIPLE PROJECT ASSURANCE (MPA) – An agreement or contract between
the institution and OPRR, on behalf of the Secretary, DHHS, stipulating
the method(s) by which the organization will protect the welfare of research
subjects in accordance with the regulations. The Assurance, approval
of which is a condition of receipt of DHHS support for research involving
human subjects, spells out the organization's responsibilities for meeting
the requirements of 45 CFR 46. MPAs will be replaced by FWAs.
ONGOING MONITORING – Review by the IRB of such information
as adverse event reports, protocol amendments, reports of protocol
deviations, and other information about ongoing research studies,
during the period for which the protocol is approved.
POLICY – A written principle or rule to guide decision-making.
PRACTICE – An activity that is actually routinely performed, regardless
of whether it is required in POLICY or specified in PROCEDURE.
PROCEDURE – See Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
PROTOCOL – A plan that includes, at minimum, the objectives, rationale,
design, methods and other conditions for the conduct of a research study.
PROTOCOL FILE – The documents maintained by the IRB administration
containing the protocol, investigator's brochure, IRB/investigator communications
and all other supporting materials.
QUALITY IMPROVEMENT (QI) – The effort to assess and improve the
level of performance of a program or institution. QI includes quality
assessment and implementation of corrective actions to address any deficiencies
R&D COMMITTEE – The Research and Development Committee
of the VAMC. This committee has numerous responsibilities for Human
Research Protection.
REQUIREMENT – A statement of performance expectations for the
Institution's Human Research Protection Program or its IRB. Requirements
are composed of ELEMENTS.
RESEARCH - A systematic investigation, including development, testing
and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.
SAFETY REPORTS (IND/IDE) – Written reports from sponsors notifying
the FDA and all participating investigators of any adverse experience
associated with the use of a drug that is both serious and unexpected.
SERIOUS ADVERSE EVENT (SAE) – Any event that results in death,
a life threatening situation, hospitalization or prolonged hospitalization,
persistent or significant disability/incapacity or a congenital anomaly/birth
defect. SAEs require reporting to the sponsor and the IRB.
SPONSOR – Any person or entity who takes responsibility for and
initiates a clinical study. The sponsor may be an individual, pharmaceutical
company, device manufacturer, governmental agency, academic institution,
private organization, or other organization.
STANDARD -- A broad description of performance expectation. In this
document, standards serve as topical headings for REQUIREMENTS.
STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) – A written set of methods or
steps to be followed for the uniform performance of a function or activity.
UNEXPECTED ADVERSE EVENT – Any adverse event that has not previously
been observed (e. g., included in the investigator brochure).
the individual VAMC or HCS and VHA Central Office, Office of
Research and Development. The VA will convert all "Letters
of Assurance" VA MPA Contracts to FWA during calendar year
VULNERABLE SUBJECTS – Individuals whose willingness to volunteer
in a research study may be unduly influenced or coerced and individuals
with limited autonomy. These individuals may include, but are not limited
to, children, prisoners, pregnant women, mentally disabled, or economically
or educationally disadvantaged persons.
Topic Area |
Responsibilities (INR) |
Rationale |
Each VA Medical Center (VAMC)
engaged in research involving human subjects is responsible
for ensuring the rights, safety and well-being of those
recruited to participate in research activities. As a
research institution, it is also responsible for assuring
that investigators and their staffs understand and comply
with standards for the ethical conduct of research. These
broad responsibilities can be met through three institutional
actions: developing a systematic and comprehensive approach,
a Human Research Protections Program (HRPP), to monitor,
evaluate and improve the protection of human research
subjects; establishing and/or designating an Institutional
Review Board (IRB) to review research following Federal
and institutional requirements; and educating staff involved
in research about their ethical responsibility to protect
research subjects. This standard outlines the responsibilities
of institutions that conduct human subjects research. |
The institution has a systematic
and comprehensive program, a Human Research Protection
Program (HRPP), with dedicated resources to ensure the
rights, safety and well being of human research subjects
in relation to their participation in research activities. |
INR1 |
The institution has a written
description of (or plan for) its HRPP appropriate for
the research involving human subjects conducted at the
institution. |
The HRPP description includes the
Statement of principles concerning protection of human
research subjects.
Identification of the institutional officer accountable
for the HRPP.
The organizational structure, process, roles and responsibilities
for making policy to protect human research subjects.
Roles and responsibilities of the R&D Committee in
protecting human subjects.
One or more of the following arrangements for an IRB:
the institution has a Human Subjects Subcommittee
to R&D Committee and registers it with OHRP;
the institution has a written arrangement with a
regional VA IRB or another VA IRB that is registered
with OHRP; the institution has a written arrangement
with an affiliated medical or dental school or university
for the use of its registered IRB.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
HRPP description includes five factors. |
NA |
NA |
HRPP description includes less than
five factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this element once
for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation no greater
than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.103(b)(1), 38CFR16.103(c),
M-3, Part I, 2.02b, M-3, Part I, 3.01b, M-3, Part I, 9.07,
45CFR46.103(b)(1), 45CFR46.103(c), IRB Guidebook (1), MPA |
Data Source |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents that may demonstrate
compliance with this element include: MPA, institutional
organizational charts, job descriptions, policies and procedures
(IRB and institution), budget/time allocation, formal IRB
agreement, R&D Committee charter. |
The institution's Research and Development
(R&D) Committee conforms to VA policy regarding Human
Subjects Research. Responsibilities include the following:
The R&D Committee is responsible for the scientific
quality and appropriateness of all research involving
human subjects.
The R&D Committee re-evaluates at least annually,
the scientific quality of all research studies involving
human subjects to assure protection of human subjects.
The R&D Committee membership, supplemented as needed
by advisors or consultants, possesses the expertise required
to perform the scientific review.
The R&D Committee cannot alter an adverse report
or recommendation, e.g., disapproval for ethical or legal
reasons made by the Subcommittee on Human Studies.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
R&D Committee meets all four
factors. |
NA |
NA |
R&D Committee meets less than
four factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this element once
for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation no greater
than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I, 2.02b(1), M-3, Part
I, 2.02b(2), M-3, Part I, 3.01a(4), M-3, Part I, 3.01b(1),
M-3, Part I, b3(a-b), M-3, Part I, 3.01d(5)(e) |
Data Source |
Documented process, reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents that may demonstrate
compliance with this element include: R&D Committee charter,
R&D or institutional policies and procedures, R&D
membership list, R&D minutes. |
A designated committee or individual
(e.g., R&D Committee or ACOS for R&D) ensures that
the HRPP is operational. The following specific responsibilities
are outlined in job descriptions, committee charters or other
Implementation of the institution's HRPP policy.
Review and evaluation of the reports and results of compliance
assessment and quality improvement activities.
Implementation of needed improvements and follow-up on
actions, as appropriate.
Monitoring changes in VA and other Federal regulations
and policies that relate to human research protections.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
All four responsibilities are identified. |
Three responsibilities are identified. |
Two responsibilities are identified. |
Less than two responsibilities are
identified. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this element once
for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation no greater
than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.103(c), IRB Guidebook I |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents that may demonstrate
compliance with this element include: R&D or institutional
policies and procedures, job descriptions, committee charters. |
The institution maintains and supports
a current and approved Federalwide Assurance (FWA) and/or
an assurance in accordance with current VA regulations that
includes its principles and guidelines for protecting research
subjects. The institution demonstrates its maintenance and
support of its assurance by the following:
The institution is operating under a current approved
The institution identifies the responsible official for
the assurance (Note: In VA facilities, the Medical
Center Director/CEO is the responsible official).
If the assurance is an FWA, it is approved by the VA
Office of Research Compliance and Assurance (ORCA).
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
The institution maintains and supports
an assurance as required. |
NA |
NA |
The institution does not maintain
an assurance. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this element once
for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation no greater
than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.103(a), M-3, Part I, 9.03c,
45CFR46.103(a), FWA, ORCA Directive 2c-201-5, VA MPA |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents that may demonstrate
compliance with this element include: FWA, VA Letter of Assurance
with any of the following - MPA with OHRP, VA MPA Contract,
IIA with MPA/ FWA institution. |
For each commitment
of the institution's assurance, the institution has corresponding
documented processes for implementation. The documented processes:
Address commitments made in the assurance.
Do not contradict commitments made in the assurance.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Each commitment has a corresponding
documented process. |
75% of the commitments have a documented
process. |
50% of the commitments have a documented
process. |
Less than 50% of the commitments
have a documented process. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA reviews this element
once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
IRB Guidebook I, MPA |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
institutional, IRB and R&D Committee policies and procedures. |
INR2 |
The institution
provides sufficient resources for the HRPP, R&D Committee
and its IRB(s) |
The institution engages
in a systematic budgeting process for the HRPP including
the R&D Committee and if applicable, its Human Subjects
Subcommittee (IRB) at least annually. Budgeting includes
consideration of the following factors:
Analysis of the volume of research to be reviewed.
Feedback from IRB members and staff.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Budgeting includes consideration
of two factors. |
NA |
Budgeting includes consideration
of one factor. |
Budgeting includes consideration
of less than one factor. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I, 3.01b(1),
M-3, Part I, 3.02g(1), IRB Guidebook, MPA |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
budget records, institutional policy regarding budget, IRB
forms. |
During the budgeting
process, resources reviewed include but are not limited to:
Materials and supplies.
Capital Equipment.
Training and education.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Budget review includes all five
factors. |
Budget review includes three factors. |
Budget review includes two factors. |
Budget review includes less than
two factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I, 3.01(b)(1),
M-3, Part I, 3.02(g)(1), IRB Guidebook, MPA |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
budget records, institutional policy regarding budget, budget
analysis forms, reports. |
The institution must
be able to ascertain the following for each active research
Date originally approved and if applicable, date of most
recent approval.
Date of expiration of approval.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
The institution tracks two factors. |
NA |
The institution tracks one factor. |
The institution tracks less than
two factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution and once for each external
IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.115(a), 45CFR46.115(a),
21CFR56.115(a), FDA Information Sheets – Self Evaluation
Checklist for IRB's, IRB Guidebook I, III |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
or methods that may demonstrate compliance with this element
include: database reports, IRB files, log sheets, reports,
live system queries. |
INR3 |
The institution
provides proper oversight to its IRB(s). |
If the institution uses
the IRB(s) of a VA regional system, affiliated university
or another VA facility, there is a legal document, e.g. Memorandum
of Understanding (MOU), contract or letter of agreement (Formal
IRB Agreement). This document, includes, at a minimum:
Specific requirements for the membership and operation
of the IRB to review VA research in compliance with
VA regulations.
The respective responsibilities of the institution and
the designated IRB for human subject protection.
The scope of activities delegated to the IRB.
The method, frequency and nature of reporting to the
R&D Committee.
The process by which the institution evaluates the IRB's
The remedies, including revocation of the Formal IRB
Agreement, available to the institution if the designated
IRB does not fulfill its obligations.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Formal IRB Agreement includes all
six factors. |
Formal IRB Agreement includes five
factors. |
Formal IRB Agreement includes four
factors. |
There is no Formal IRB Agreement
or it includes less than four factors. |
The institution has its own IRB. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each external IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I, 3.01e,
M-3, Part I, 9.07a, M-3, Part I, 9.16 |
Data Sources |
Documented Process |
Notes |
The only documents that
may be used to demonstrate compliance with this element are
Formal IRB Agreements that may be contained within other
broader inter-institutional agreements or legal documents. |
If the institution has
used the IRB(s) of a VA regional system, affiliated university
or another facility for one year or longer, the institution
conducts oversight of the designated IRB(s) including the
Regularly evaluating reports as required in the Formal
IRB Agreement.
Annually reviewing designated IRB's charter, policies
and procedures.
Annually evaluating whether the designated IRB is in
compliance with current VA, Federal and other regulations
and guidance.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Oversight includes all three factors. |
Oversight includes two factors. |
Oversight includes one factor. |
Oversight is not performed, or does
not include any factor. |
Institution has used the external
IRB for less than 1 year. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each external IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I, 3.01e(1)(c) |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
R&D Committee minutes, IRB performance reports, correspondence
with IRB regarding performance findings. |
If the institution has
used the IRB(s) of a VA regional system, affiliated university
or another VA facility for less than one year, the institution
conducts oversight of the designated IRB(s) including the
Prior to designation, evaluates designated IRB's capacity
to perform the designated activities.
Regularly evaluates reports as required in the Formal
IRB Agreement.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Oversight includes both factors. |
NA |
Oversight includes one factor. |
Oversight is not performed or includes
less then one factor. |
The institution has used the IRB
for 1 year or longer. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each external IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I, 3.01e(1)(c) |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
R&D Committee minutes, IRB performance reports, correspondence
with IRB regarding performance findings. |
Whether the IRB is internal
or external to the institution, the institution at least
annually reviews and documents consideration of the following:
The IRB(s) and the membership of the IRB(s) are appropriate
given the research being reviewed.
The IRB(s) includes representatives with an interest
in or experience with vulnerable populations involved
in research, either as members or ad hoc consultants.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
The institution annually reviews
two factors. |
NA |
The institution annually reviews
one factor. |
The institution does not annually
review either factor. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB (internal or external). |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.107(a), M-3,
Part I, 3.01(b)(1), 45CFR46.107(a), 21CFR56.107(a), VA MPA |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
R&D Committee minutes, IRB performance reports, correspondence
with IRB regarding performance findings. |
The R&D Committee
assesses the qualifications and experience of the IRB Chair
prior to appointment. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
The R&D Committee assesses the
qualifications and experience of the chair. |
NA |
NA |
The R&D Committee does not assess
the qualifications and experience of the chair. |
No change in IRB Chair in the last
year. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
R&D Committee minutes, R&D Committee communications |
The institution evaluates
the performance of the IRB(s). Evaluation includes the following
Content and accuracy of informed consent forms.
IRB analysis of risks and benefits including designation
of minimal risk.
Special considerations and protections for vulnerable
or potentially vulnerable populations.
Privacy and confidentiality protections.
Continuing review of approved research.
Ongoing review of previously approved research (i.e.
amendments, adverse events).
Use of expedited review or other procedures requiring
review of less than the full IRB.
Granting exemption from Federal requirements for IRB
Granting waivers for documentation of informed consent.
Granting waivers of any elements of informed consent.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Evaluation includes all ten factors. |
Evaluation includes eight factors. |
Evaluation includes six factors. |
Evaluation is not performed or includes
less than six factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I, 3.01e(1)(c) |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
R&D Committee minutes, IRB performance reports, correspondence
with IRB regarding performance findings. |
INR4 |
The institution
has policies and procedures to identify and manage institutional,
IRB member and investigator conflicts of interest with
research conducted at the institution. |
The institution has
policies and procedures for the identification and management
of conflict of interest of IRB members. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
The institution has policies and
procedures addressing the element. |
NA |
NA |
The institution does not have policies
and procedures addressing the element. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.107(e), M-3,
Part I, 9.08(e), 45CFR46.107(e), 21CFR56.107(e) |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB, institutional, or R&D policies and procedures, IRB
and R&D Committee minutes. |
The institution has
policies and procedures for the identification and management
of conflicts of interest of the following parties:
Institution, including the R&D Committee.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
both parties. |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
one party. |
Policies and procedures do not address
either party. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
21CFR312.64(d) |
Data Sources |
Documented Process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB, R&D, or institutional policies and procedures. |
INR5 |
The institution
has a process that enables research subjects and others
to ask questions or to voice concerns or complaints. |
The institution has
policies and procedures for responding to complaints and
allegations of noncompliance with institutional policies.
The system includes the following factors:
Ensuring a response to each question, concern or complaint.
Investigating complaints and allegations.
Taking remedial action for, and consequences of findings
of, noncompliance with HRPP and IRB policies.
Identifying individuals who have responsibility for responding
to questions, concerns or complaints regarding an
individual's rights as a research subject.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
all four factors. |
Policies and procedures address
three factors. |
Policies and procedures address
two factors. |
Policies and procedures address
less than two factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.103(c), 38CFR16.116(a)(7),
M-3, Part I, Chapter 3, Appendix 9C, 45CFR46.103(c), 45CFR46.116(a)(7),
21CFR50.25(a)(7), ICH Guidelines 4.8.10(q), IRB Guidebook
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB, R&D, and institutional policies and procedures. |
The institution actively
seeks feedback about its research program through surveys,
focus groups, interviews or other methods. The institution
seeks feedback from any of the following:
Current research subjects.
Former research subjects.
Potential research subjects (e.g., patients, whether
or not eligible for a specific protocol).
Individuals who have declined to participate in research.
Research subject advocates.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Feedback solicited from two or more
identified groups. |
Feedback solicited from one identified
group. |
NA |
No feedback sought. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
Institute of Medicine, "Preserving
the Public Trust. Accreditation and Human Research Participant
Protection Programs." |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
analyses or reports of findings. |
INR6 |
The institution
ensures that the use of investigational products in research
with human subjects is consistent with VA and Federal
regulations. |
The institution's Pharmacy
Service has policies and procedures for handling investigational
drugs that address the following factors:
Disposition of unused stock.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
all five factors. |
Policies and procedures address
four factors. |
Policies and procedures address
three factors. |
Policies and procedures address
less than three factors. |
The institution does not conduct
investigational drug research. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% ÞAccreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-2, Part VII, 6.03
a and g, 21CFR312.61, 21CFR312.62, VA Form 10-9012 |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
institutional or pharmacy service policies and procedures. |
The Pharmacy Service
maintains an investigational drug log which includes the
Name of drug.
Manufacturer or other source.
Date of receipt of the drug.
Quantity received.
Expiration date.
Control number.
Date protocol approved.
Name of authorized practitioner signing the prescription.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Investigational drug logs include
all eight factors. |
Investigational drug logs include
seven factors. |
Investigational drug logs include
six factors. |
Investigational drug logs include
less than six factors. |
The institution does not conduct
investigational drug research. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA selects three drug
studies and evaluates the investigational drug log for each. |
Accreditation |
0% ÞAccreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-2, Part VII, 6.03g(1-8),
21CFR312.61, 21CFR312.62 |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
and methods that may demonstrate compliance with this element
include: investigational drug logs (paper or electronic). |
For each research subject,
the Pharmacy Service maintains the following information
in the investigational drug log:
Name of the patient receiving the prescription.
Serial number of the prescription.
Quantity dispensed.
Balance remaining after the transaction.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Investigational drug logs include
all four factors for each subject. |
NA |
Investigational drug logs include
three factors for each subject. |
Investigational drug logs include
less than three factors for each subject. |
The institution does not conduct
investigational drug research |
Scope of Review |
NCQA selects three drug
studies and evaluates the investigational drug log for each. |
Accreditation |
0% ÞAccreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-2 Part VII 6.03g(9-12) |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
and methods that may demonstrate compliance with this element
include: investigational drug logs (paper or electronic). |
The investigational
drug log includes a final entry when the use of the investigational
drug is discontinued. This entry documents the following:
Date of termination of use of drug.
Quantity remaining.
Action taken to dispose of the balance on hand.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Final entries in investigational
drug logs document all three factors. |
NA |
NA |
Final entries in investigational
drug logs document less than three factors. |
The institution does not conduct
investigational drug research. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA selects from three
completed drug studies and evaluates the investigational
drug log for each. |
Accreditation |
0% ÞAccreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-2, Part VII, 6.03g(14) |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
and methods that may demonstrate compliance with this element
include: investigational drug logs (paper or electronic). |
The Pharmacy Service
ensures that investigational drugs are not dispensed without
the following on file:
Approved protocol.
Signed informed consent form.
VA Form 10-9012 (Investigational Drug Information Record).
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Files contain all three factors. |
NA |
NA |
Files contain less than three factors. |
The institution does not conduct
investigational drug research. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA selects three drug
studies and evaluates the files for each, including files
for up to five subjects dispensed investigational drugs in
each study. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-2, Part VII, 6.02c |
Data Sources |
Records or files |
Notes |
For each drug study
reviewed, surveyors will review five entries and ask to see
the signed consent form for each subject dispensed investigational
drugs. |
The Pharmacy Service
evaluates its compliance with policies and procedures regarding
the use of investigational drugs. Evaluations address the
following factors:
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Evaluation addresses all five factors. |
Evaluation addresses four factors. |
Evaluation addresses three factors. |
Evaluation addresses less than three
factors. |
The institution does not conduct
investigational drug research. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
M-2, Part VII, 6.02,
21CFR312.61, 21CFR312.62 |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
quality assurance reports, consultant reports, minutes, documentation,
review of performance. |
Results of Pharmacy
Service evaluations are reported to the R&D Committee
(or other institutional official with responsibility for
oversight of the research pharmacy). |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Evaluations are reported. |
NA |
NA |
Evaluations are not reported. |
The institution does not conduct
investigational drug research. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
M-2 Part VII, 6.02 |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
R&D Committee minutes, QA reports acknowledged by institutional
official. |
If areas of noncompliance
are identified, the Pharmacy Service implemented corrective
action (e.g., changes policy, procedure, communication, implements
education, or other intervention) to restore compliance. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Pharmacy Service implemented corrective
action to address all identified areas of noncompliance. |
Pharmacy Service implemented corrective
action to address at least half of the identified areas of
noncompliance. |
NA |
Pharmacy Service implemented corrective
action on less than half of the identified areas of noncompliance. |
No areas of noncompliance identified. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.103(a), MPA |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
quality improvement reports, R&D Committee minutes, changes
to policies and procedures, and other documentation of action
taken. |
The institution has
policies and procedures regarding the use of investigational
devices that address the following factors:
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
all three factors. |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
two factors. |
Policies and procedures address
less than two factors. |
The institution does not conduct
investigational device research. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
21CFR812.140 |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, flow charts, protocols or other
mechanisms that describe a process used by the institution. |
INR7 |
The institution
evaluates HRPP effectiveness and conducts quality improvement
activities. Evaluation and improvement include measuring,
assessing, and improving compliance with institutional
HRPP policies, assurances and other requirements for
the protection of human subjects in research. |
The institution monitors
the performance of investigators to ensure compliance with
HRPP and IRB requirements. The institution evaluates the
Using only IRB-approved advertisements and subject recruitment
Obtaining IRB approval prior to initiating changes to
the protocol or consent form, except where necessary
to eliminate apparent immediate hazards to subjects.
Reporting all unanticipated problems involving risks
to human subjects.
Reporting all protocol deviations.
Adherence to HRPP policies.
Adherence to IRB approved protocols and conditions.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Evaluation includes all six factors. |
Evaluation includes four factors. |
Evaluation includes three factors. |
Evaluation includes less than three
factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.103(b)(5)(i), M-3, Part I, 9.09(f), 45CFR46.103(b)(4)(iii),
45CFR46.103(b)(5)(i), FDA Information Sheets – Recruiting
Study Subjects, FWA, IRB Guidebook IIII H, VA MPA |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
minutes from IRB or R&D Committee or Quality Improvement
Committee, quality assurance or improvement reports, internal
or external audit or monitoring reports, investigator performance
evaluations. |
The institution monitors
the performance of investigators in implementing informed
consent requirements. The institution evaluates the following:
Obtaining consent prior to initiating any research related
Using only the IRB-approved consent form.
Signing and dating the consent form.
Documenting consent in the case history.
Providing a copy of the consent form to the subject or
legally authorized representative.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Evaluation includes all five factors. |
Evaluation includes four factors. |
Evaluation includes three factors. |
Evaluation includes less than three
factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater then Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.109(b), 38CFR16.116,
45CFR46.109(b), 45CFR46.116, 21CFR50.27, 21CFR56.109(b),
21CFR312.62(b), FDA Information Sheets – Guide to Informed
Consent, FWA, IRB Guidebook I |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
minutes from IRB or R&D Committee or Quality Improvement
Committee, quality assurance or improvement reports, internal
or external audit or monitoring reports, investigator performance
evaluations. |
The institution monitors
its responsiveness to questions, concerns and complaints:
Timeliness of responses to questions and complaints.
Satisfaction with responses.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
The institution monitors both factors. |
NA |
The institution monitors one factor. |
The institution monitors
neither factor. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
IRB Guidebook I, Institute
of Medicine, "Preserving the Public Trust. Accreditation
and Human Research Participant Protection Programs." |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
minutes from IRB or R&D Committee or Quality Improvement
Committee, quality assurance or improvement reports, internal
or external audit or monitoring reports, investigator performance
evaluations. |
If gaps in performance
are identified through any of its monitoring activities or
other sources, the institution implemented corrective action
(e.g., changes policy, procedure, communication, implements
education or other such intervention) to improve. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
The institution implemented corrective
action to address all identified performance gaps. |
The institution implemented corrective
action to address at least half of the identified performance
gaps. |
NA |
The institution implemented corrective
action on less than half of the identified performance gaps. |
No identified performance gaps. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.103(a), 38CFR16.103(b)(5),
45CFR46.103(a), 45CFR46.103(b)(5), FWA, IRB Guidebook I |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
quality improvement reports, R&D Committee minutes, changes
to policies and procedures, other documentation of action
taken. |
If gaps in performance
were identified and corrective action implemented, the institution
reassesses performance to assess the effectiveness of the
action taken. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
The institution reassessed performance
after one or more corrective actions were implemented. |
NA |
NA |
No reassessment after corrective
action (or no corrective action implemented.) |
No identified performance gaps. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
FWA, IRB Guidebook I |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
minutes from IRB or R&D Committee or Quality Improvement
Committee, quality assurance or improvement reports, internal
or external audit or monitoring reports, investigator performance
evaluations. |
The institution tracks
the following QI factors:
Identified need for improvement.
Action taken to improve.
Results of QI activities including pre- and post- evaluation
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
The institution tracks all three
factors. |
NA |
The institution tracks two factors. |
The institution tracks less than
two factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
FWA, IRB Guidebook I |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
information systems query, database reports, log. |
The institution evaluates
its compliance with policies and procedures regarding the
use of investigational devices. Evaluations address the following
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Evaluations address three factors. |
Evaluations address two factors. |
Evaluations address one factor. |
Evaluations address no factors. |
The institution does not conduct
investigational device research. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
FDA Information Sheets – Medical Devices, FWA, IRB
Guidebook I |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
minutes from IRB or R&D Committee or Quality Improvement
Committee, quality assurance or improvement reports, internal
or external audit or monitoring reports, investigator performance
evaluations. |
If areas of noncompliance
in the use of investigational devices are identified, the
institution implemented corrective action (e.g., changes
policy, procedure, communication, implemented education,
or other intervention) to restore compliance. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
The institution implemented corrective
action to address all identified areas of noncompliance. |
The institution implemented corrective
action to address at least half of the identified areas of
noncompliance. |
NA |
The institution implemented corrective
action to address less than half of the identified areas
of noncompliance. |
No areas of noncompliance identified. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
FWA, IRB Guidebook I,
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documentation
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
quality improvement reports, R&D Committee minutes, changes
to policies and procedures, other documentation of action
taken. |
The institution educates
institutional staff about, and holds them accountable
for protecting the rights, safety and well being of human
research participants. |
INR8 |
The institution
ensures that research investigators, research staff,
IRB members and other individuals with responsibility
for human subject protection have completed required
training in human subject protection. |
Policies and procedures
regarding education and training address the following:
Type and scope of human subject protection education
and training that meets VA and Federal requirements.
Identification of the individuals for whom training is
required in compliance with VA and Federal requirements.
Methods for confirming that individuals required to have
training by VA and Federal requirements have met
training requirements.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
all three factors. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
less than three factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.107(a)(b), 45CFR46.107(a)(b),
21CFR56.107(a)(b), DHHS Requirement, FWA A-7, FWA A-8, IRB
Guidebook I, Policy Guidance |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB, R&D Committee and institution policies and procedures,
memos or other notices about training and education. |
The institution maintains
a log or tracking system of required training received by
investigators. The log or tracking system includes completion
dates of approved training in human research protection. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
The institution tracks completion
of investigator training. |
NA |
NA |
The institution does not track completion
of investigator training |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
FWA A-8 |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
or methods the may demonstrate compliance with this element
include: training logs, database reports, system queries,
or other evidence of training accessible by investigator. |
The institution maintains
a log or tracking system of required training received by
IRB members and other individuals with responsibility for
human subject protections. The log or tracking system includes
completion dates of approved training in human research protection
for the following:
All IRB members.
All other individuals with responsibility for human research
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
The institution tracks completion
of IRB members and other individuals training. |
NA |
The institution tracks completion
of IRB members or other individuals training. |
The institution does not track completion
of training. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
Guidebook I |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
or methods the may demonstrate compliance with this element
include: training logs, database reports, system queries,
or other evidence of training accessible by investigator. |
The institution's research
investigators have completed required training in human research
protection. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
All research investigators have
completed required training. |
NA |
NA |
Not all research investigators have
completed required training. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
FWA A-8, IRB Guidebook
I, NIH Guidelines |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
or methods that may demonstrate compliance with this element
include: training logs, database reports, system queries,
or other evidence that all investigators have completed training. |
The institution's IRB
members and other individuals with responsibility for human
research protection have completed required training in human
research protection. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
All IRB members and other individuals
have completed training. |
NA |
NA |
Not all IRB members and other individuals
have completed training. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
FWA A-7, IRB Guidebook
I |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
or methods the may demonstrate compliance with this element
include: training logs, database reports, system queries,
or other evidence of training. |
The institution provides
guidance to investigators regarding development of consent
forms and conduct of the consent process. The institution
provides guidance in the following:
Developing consent form documents.
Conducting the informed consent process.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
The institution provides guidance
on both factors. |
The institution provides guidance
in one factor. |
The institution does not provide
guidance regarding informed consent. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I, Chapter
3, Appendix 9C, FDA Information Sheets – Guide to Informed
Consent, IRB Guidebook III |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
institutional or IRB communications, investigator guidance
and instructions. |
Topic Area |
IRB Structure and Operations (IRB) |
Rationale |
Institutional Review Boards
(IRB) are committees established to protect the rights
and welfare of human research subjects through prospective
and continuing review of research. IRB structure, composition
and function must meet regulatory standards and be sufficient
to allow for thorough and expert review of issues related
to protecting the human subjects of research. This standard
contains the requirements for IRB membership, written
IRB policies and procedures and processes to provide
adequate supervision of research. |
The IRB's structure and
composition are appropriate to the amount and nature
of research reviewed and meet regulatory requirements. |
IRB1 |
The IRB has
proper composition and the IRB has information about
each IRB member. |
The IRB maintains, or
has access to the following information about each IRB member:
Earned degrees.
Representative capacity (e.g., physician, non-scientist,
ethicist, community member, etc.).
Indications of experience, such as board certifications,
licensures, certifications, etc.
For community members, past or present association with
the VA (including academic affiliates).
For community members, confirmation that no part of the
community member's immediate family is affiliated
with the VA or its academic affiliates.
Documentation of the voting status of each member.
Documentation of alternate status.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
The IRB has access to all eight
factors. |
The IRB has access to seven factors. |
The IRB has access to five factors. |
The IRB has access to less than
five factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.103(b)(3), 38CFR16.107(d),
38CFR16.115(a)(5), M-3, Part I, 9.09 g(1)(e)2, M-3,
Part I, 9.09g(1)(e)1 a, M-3, Part I, 9.09 g(1)(e)1 b,
M-3, Part I, 9.09g(1)(e)1 c, M-3, Part I, 9.09g(1)(e)1 d,
45CFR46.103(b)(3), 45CFR46.115(a)(5), 45CFR46.107(d), 21CFR56.115(a)(5),
21CFR56.107(d), FDA Information Sheets – Self Evaluation
Checklist for IRB's, IRB Guidebook I B, MPA |
Data Sources |
Files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include;
IRB member CVs, MPA member list, IRB member files. |
Consistent with VA and
Federal regulations and policies, the IRB includes the following:
At least five members.
At least one member whose primary area of interest is
non-scientific (e.g., lawyer, clergy or ethicist).
At least one member whose primary area of interest is
At least one member who does not have any association
with the VA or affiliated university HRPP or who
is part of the immediate family of a person who is
affiliated with either organization.
Members of more than one profession.
Where university affiliate IRBs are used, the IRB has
at least one member who is a VA representative.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
IRB includes all required members. |
NA |
NA |
IRB includes less than all required
members. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% ÞAccreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.107(a), 38CFR16.107(b),
38CFR16.107(c), 38CFR16.107(d), M-3, Part I, 3.01e(1)(c),
45CFR46.107(a), 45CFR46.107(b), 45CFR46.107(c), 45CFR46.107(d),
21CFR56.107(a), 21CFR56.107(b), 21CFR56.107(c), 21CFR56.107(d),
FDA Information Sheets – IRB Membership, ICH Guidelines
3.2.1, IRB Guidebook I B, OHRP Common Findings and Guidance
#52 |
Data Sources |
Files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
MPA, IRB membership lists, IRB member CVs/bios. |
The IRB includes a diversity
of membership based on consideration of race, gender, cultural
background and sensitivity to such issues as community attitudes. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
IRB is diverse. |
NA |
NA |
IRB is not diverse. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.107(a)(b), 45CFR46.107(a)(b),
21CFR56.107(a) (b), FDA Information Sheets – IRB Membership,
ICH Guidelines 3.2, IRB Guidebook I, OHRP Common Findings & Guidance
#52 |
Data Sources |
Files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB membership lists, IRB member CVs/bios, interviews. |
Consistent with VA policy,
VA IRBs must include the following members:
A Chair who holds a VA appointment.
At least one member from the R&D Committee.
Two or more members who are not already VA appointees
nor directly connected with the R&D program within
the institution.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
VA IRB includes all required members. |
NA |
NA |
VA IRB includes less than all required
members. |
IRB Not VA |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element once for the institution. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I 3.01e(1)(a) |
Data Sources |
Files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB membership list, R&D Committee membership list, IRB
Chair CV |
IRB2 |
The IRB meets
regularly and with sufficient frequency, and members
have sufficient information and time to review materials
prior to the IRB meeting. |
The IRB meetings have
the following arrangements:
Set meeting schedule.
Established timelines for receipt of protocol materials
by the IRB office and distribution of materials to
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
The IRB has a set meeting schedule
and timeline. |
NA |
NA |
The IRB does not have a set meeting
schedule or timeline. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
FDA Information Sheets – Self
Evaluation Checklist for IRB's, OHRP Common Findings and
Guidance #14, OHRP Guidelines for IRB Policies and Procedures |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB meeting schedule, IRB Minutes, instructions to investigators. |
IRB members receive
meeting materials far enough in advance of the scheduled
meeting to allow for sufficient review. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
IRB members receive materials with
sufficient time for review. |
NA |
NA |
IRB members do not have sufficient
time for review. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
FDA Information Sheets – Self
Evaluation Checklist for IRB's, OHRP Common Findings and
Guidance #14, OHRP Guidelines for Formulating Written IRB
Policies and Procedures |
Data Sources |
Reports, interviews |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB member interviews, quality assurance reports. |
For initial review,
IRB members receive the following materials (if there is
not a primary reviewer system):
Full protocol.
Informed consent form.
Any relevant merit review or grant applications.
Investigator's brochure (if applicable).
Advertisements or subject information (if applicable).
Subject surveys or questionnaires (if applicable).
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
IRB members receive all applicable
materials. |
NA |
NA |
IRB members receive less than all
applicable materials. |
IRB uses primary reviewer system. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
FDA Information Sheets – Self
Evaluation Checklist for IRB's, OHRP Common Findings and
Guidance #14, OHRP Guidelines for Formulating Written IRB
Policies and Procedures. |
Data Sources |
Materials, documented
process, interview |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
sample meeting packet, staff instructions for preparing packets,
interview with IRB coordinator. |
IRB3 |
The IRB systematically
assigns reviewers to protocols prior to initial review
(e.g., primary/secondary reviewer system), if applicable. |
The IRB systematically
assigns review responsibility consistent with protocol content
and reviewer expertise. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
IRB systematically assigns reviews
consistent with protocol content and reviewer expertise. |
NA |
NA |
IRB does not systematically assign
reviews consistent with protocol content and reviewer expertise. |
IRB does not use primary reviewer
system. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.107(a), 45CFR46.107(a),
21CFR56.107(a), OHRP Common Findings & Guidance #15 |
Data Sources |
Reports, interviews |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation, IRB policies and procedures. |
Primary reviewers receive
the following materials:
Full protocol.
Informed consent form.
Any relevant merit review or grant applications.
Investigator's brochure (if applicable).
Advertisements or subject information (if applicable).
Subject surveys or questionnaires (if applicable).
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Primary reviewers receive all applicable
materials. |
NA |
NA |
Primary reviewers receive less than
all applicable materials. |
IRB does not use primary reviewer
system. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
FDA Information Sheets – Self
Evaluation Checklist for IRB's, OHRP Common Findings and
Guidance # 14, #15, OHRP Guidelines for Formulating Written
IRB Procedures |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
staff instructions for preparing packets, sample primary
reviewer packet. |
All IRB members receive
at least the following materials:
Protocol summary.
Informed consent form.
Advertising material, if applicable
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
IRB members receive all applicable
materials. |
NA |
NA |
IRB members receive less than all
applicable materials. |
IRB does not use primary reviewer
system. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
FDA Information Sheets – Self
Evaluation Checklist for IRB's, ICH Guidelines, OHRP Common
Finding and Guidance #15, OHRP Guidelines for Formulating
Written IRB Procedures. |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
sample IRB member meeting packet, staff instructions for
preparing packets |
II |
The IRB systematically evaluates
each research protocol to ensure adequate protection
of human subjects in research. |
IRB4 |
There are written
policies and procedures, consistent with applicable VA
and Federal requirements that describe IRB operations
and functions. |
The IRB policies and
procedures address the following investigator reporting requirements
consistent with VA and Federal regulations:
Submitting proposed research for approval (or exemption
from IRB review).
Submitting proposed changes in research for approval.
Submitting proposed changes in consent forms for approval.
Reporting deviations from approved protocol or other
regulations and policies.
Reporting adverse events.
Reporting unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects.
Providing IRB required data for continuing review.
Submitting termination/completion reports.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and Procedures address
all eight factors. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and Procedures address
less than eight factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.103(b)(3), 38CFR16.103(b)(4),
38CFR16.103(b)(5), 38CFR16.108, 45CFR46.103(b)(3), 45CFR46.103(b)(4),
45CFR46.103(b)(5), 45CFR46.108, 21CFR56.108, 21CFR312.66,
FDA Information Sheets – Continuing Review after
Study Approval, FDA Information Sheets – FAQ-IRB Procedures,
ICH Guidelines 3.3.8, IRB Guidebook I B, III H, OHRP Common
Findings and Guidance #22-24, OHRP Guidelines for Formulating
Written IRB Procedures. |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidance/instructions. |
IRB5 |
The IRB reviews
required and relevant information to evaluate research
proposals during initial review and takes appropriate
action. |
Based on its initial
review, the IRB takes one of the following actions:
Approves proposed research.
Requires modifications (to secure approval).
Disapproves proposed research.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
The IRB takes one of three actions
on each research proposal. |
NA |
NA |
The IRB takes none of the three
specified actions. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA evaluates one year's IRB minutes or other documentation
to assess compliance with this element. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.109(a), 45CFR46.109(a),
21CFR56.109(a), ICH Guidelines 3.1.2 |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation, IRB communications to investigators. |
IRB6 |
The IRB uses
information requested by the IRB, reports from investigators
and other monitoring of ongoing research and requires
changes as appropriate. |
The IRB has policies
and procedures for the monitoring of ongoing research during
the period for which the research is authorized. Policies
and procedures include consideration of the following:
Changes to the research.
Adverse event reports.
Safety reports, including IND, IDE, and MedWatch.
Protocol violations and/or deviations.
Investigator non-compliance.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
all five factors. |
Policies and procedures address
four factors. |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
less than four factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.106(b)(5)(i). M-3, Part I, 9.09d, 45CFR46.103(b)(4)(iii),
45CFR46.106(b)(5)(i), 21CFR56.108(a)(3), 21CFR56.108(b)(2),
ICH Guidelines 3.3.8, IRB Guidebook I D, OHRP Common Findings
and Guidance #22-24, OHRP Guidelines for Formulating Written
IRB Policies and Procedures |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB policies and procedures, instructions or training material
for IRB members, IRB review forms or checklists. |
Whenever the IRB determines
that the risks to subjects have changed after reviewing documentation
obtained during the period for which the research is authorized,
the IRB takes one of the following actions.
The IRB decides that the research:
May continue.
May continue with modifications.
Must be suspended.
Must be terminated.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
The IRB takes one of four specified
actions for each research study monitored. |
NA |
NA |
IRB takes none of the four specified
actions. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA reviews one year's IRB minutes or other documentation
to assess compliance with this element. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.109(a), 38CFR16.109(e),
45CFR46.109(a), 45CFR46.109(e), 21CFR56.109(a), 21CFR56.109(f),
FDA Information Sheets – Continuing Review after
Study Approval, IRB Guidebook III H |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element may include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation, IRB communications to investigators |
IRB7 |
The IRB uses
required and relevant information to conduct continuing
review of research at specified intervals and requires
changes as appropriate. |
The IRB has policies
and procedures for the conduct of continuing review that
include consideration of the following:
Changes to the research.
Adverse event reports.
Safety reports, including IND, IDE, and MedWatch.
Protocol violations and/or deviations.
Investigator non-compliance, including non-compliance
with IRB requirements for frequency of periodic continuing
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
all five factors. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
less than five factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.103(b)(4), 38CFR16.103(b)(5),
45CFR46.103(b)(4), 45CFR46.103(b)(5), 45CFR46.109(e), 21CFR56.108(a),
21CFR56.109(f), IRB Guidebook III H, OHRP Common Findings
and Guidance #5, #7, #16, OHRP Guidelines for Formulating
Written IRB Policies and Procedures. |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, IRB guidance/instructions. |
The IRB has policies
and procedures for the management of protocols with lapsed
approval. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
lapsed approval. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures do not address
lapsed approval. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.103(b)(5), 38CFR16.109(e),
45CFR16.103(b)(5), 45CFR46.109(e), 21CFR56.108(a), 21CFR56.109(f) |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, IRB guidance/instructions. |
Based on its review
of the information submitted at continuing review, the IRB
decides one of the following. The research:
May continue.
May continue with modifications.
Must be suspended.
Must be terminated.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
The IRB takes one of the four specified
actions for each continuing review. |
NA |
NA |
The IRB does not take one of the
four specified actions. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA reviews one year's IRB minutes or other documentation
to assess compliance with this element. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.109(a)(e), 38CFR16.113,
45CFR46.109(a)(e), 45CFR46.113, 21CFR56.109(a)(f), 21CFR56.113,
IRB Guidebook III H, OHRP Common Findings & Guidance
#5, #7, #16, OHRP Guidelines for Formulating Written IRB
Policies and Procedures |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation, IRB communications to investigators. |
IRB8 |
The IRB conducts
expedited review of research in accordance with VA and
Federal policies and regulations. |
The IRB's policies and
procedures for expedited review conform to VA and Federal
policies and regulations and include the following:
Qualifications and experience criteria for IRB members
to serve as designee(s) to the Chair for the conduct
of expedited review.
Criteria for determining that research involves no more
than minimal risk.
Criteria for determining that changes in previously approved
research during the period for which the approval
is authorized are minor.
Methods for advising IRB members of research approved
through expedited review.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
IRB policies and procedures address
all four factors. |
IRB policies and procedures address
three factors. |
NA |
IRB policies and procedures address
less than three factors. |
IRB does not conduct expedited review. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.110(b)(1), 38CFR16.110(b)(2),
38CFR16.110(c), M-3, Part I, 9.10, 45CFR46.110(b)(1), 45CFR46.110(b)(2),
45CFR46.110(c), 21CFR56.110(b)(1), 21CFR56.110(b)(2), 21CFR56.110(c),
OHRP Common Findings and Guidance #17-21, OHRP Guidelines
for Formulating Written IRB Procedures. |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB policies and procedures. |
The IRB policies and
procedures for expedited review establish requirements for
continuing review of research previously approved by the
convened IRB. Expedited review is permitted if one of
the following conditions are met:
The research is permanently closed to the enrollment
of new subjects, all subjects have completed all
research-related interventions, and the research
remains active only for long-term follow-up of subjects.
No subjects have been enrolled and no additional risks
have been identified.
The remaining research activities are limited to data
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
IRB policies and procedures permit
expedited continuing review only for the three specified
conditions. |
NA |
NA |
IRB policies and procedures permit
expedited continuing review for other than the three specified
conditions. |
IRB does not conduct expedited continuing
review. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
Federal Register, Vol.
63, No.216, 11/9/98 |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures. |
The IRB policies and
procedures may permit expedited review at continuing review
if all of the following conditions are met:
The research is not conducted under an investigational
new drug application or investigational device exemption.
Other categories of expedited review do not apply.
The IRB has determined at a convened meeting that the
research involves no greater than minimal risk.
No additional risks have been identified.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
IRB policies and procedures only
permit expedited continuing review if all four conditions
met. |
NA |
NA |
IRB policies and procedures permit
expedited continuing review when less than four conditions
met. |
IRB does not conduct expedited continuing
review. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
Federal Register, Vol.
63, No.216, 11/9/98 |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures. |
The IRB conducts expedited
review of protocols in conformance with its policies and
procedures including:
The IRB Chair or qualified designee conducts expedited
Full convened IRB is notified of all expedited reviews.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Element met in 100% of sampled files. |
NA |
NA |
Element met in less than 100% of
files. |
IRB does not conduct expedited review. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA randomly samples 16 studies that include at least one
expedited action, including initial review, continuing review,
protocol amendments or consent form changes. If there are
fewer than 16 such files in the sample, NCQA will review
all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
OHRP Guidelines for
Formulating Written IRB policies and Procedures |
Data Sources |
Files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation. |
IRB9 |
The IRB determines
whether research involving human subjects is exempt from
IRB review. |
The IRB policies and
procedures for determining exempt status conform to VA and
Federal regulations and include the following:
Definition of categories of research that are exempt
from IRB review.
Process for determining exempt status.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
two factors. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
less than two factors. |
IRB does not exempt any research
from review |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.101(b), M-3,
Part I, 9.06bc, 45CFR46.101(b), 21CFR56.104, 21CFR56.105,
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB or institutional policies and procedures. |
The institution or IRB
makes determination of exempt status in accordance with VA
policy and Federal regulations. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Element met in 100% of sampled files |
NA |
NA |
Element met in less than 100% of
sampled files. |
IRB does not exempt any research
from review. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA reviews a random sample of 16 files determined exempt
from review during the 12 months preceding the date of survey
application. If there are fewer than 16 such files in the
sample, NCQA will review all exempt files. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.101(b), M-3,
Part I, 9.06bc, 45CFR46.101(b), 21CFR56.104, 21CFR56.105,
MPA, OHRP Guidebook IV A |
Data Sources |
Files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB documentation, IRB communications, IRB minutes. |
IRB10 |
The IRB determines
the risk level of devices. |
IRB10A |
The IRB's policies and
procedures for the review of research involving investigational
devices address the following:
Determination of risk level is based on proposed use
of the device and not the device alone.
Statements that the IRB may agree or disagree with the
sponsor's assessment of significant risk or nonsignificant
The process for notifying the Sponsor and investigator
of the IRB decision of significant risk.
Review of significant risk device studies occurs only
after an IDE is obtained by the sponsor.
Protocols involving significant risk devices do not qualify
for expedited review.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
all five factors. |
Policies and procedures address
four factors. |
Policies and procedures address
three factors. |
Policies and procedures address
less than three factors. |
The institution does not conduct
device research. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
21CFR812.66, FDA Information
Sheets – SR/NSR Medical Device Studies, FDA Information
Sheets – IRB Review of Medical Devices, IRB Guidebook
V D, V B |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures. |
IRB10B |
The IRB determines the
risk level of devices in accordance with VA and Federal policies
and regulations. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Element met in 100% of sampled device
files reviewed. |
NA |
NA |
Element met in less than 100% of
sampled device files reviewed. |
The institution does not conduct
device research. |
Applicable but not reviewed. No
device studies reviewed. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA will randomly sample 16 active research files for review.
Any device studies included in the sample will be used to
assess compliance with this element. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
21CFR812.66, FDA Information
Sheets – Medical Devices, IRB Guidebook V D, V B |
Data Sources |
Files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB documentation, IRB communications, IRB minutes. |
The IRB maintains documentation
of its activities. |
IRB11 |
The IRB documents
discussions and decisions about research proposals and
activities. |
IRB11A |
Minutes of IRB meetings
contain sufficient detail to show:
Approval of prior meeting minutes.
Actions taken by the IRB at the meeting.
The vote on actions, including the number of members
voting for, against and abstaining.
Names of members abstaining.
Summary of the discussion of controverted issues and
their resolution.
Determination of the frequency of continuing review of
each research project based upon the degree of risk,
as determined by the IRB.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
All IRB minutes reviewed contain
all seven factors. |
NA |
IRB minutes in the first six months
contain less than seven factors, but recent six months contain
all seven factors. |
IRB minutes in the most recent six
months contain less than all seven factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA reviews one year's IRB minutes to assess compliance
with this element. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.109(e), 38CFR16.115(a)(2),
M-3, Part I, 9.09g(1)(b), 45CFR16.109(e), 45CFR46.115(a)(2),
21CFR56.109(f), 21CFR56.115(a)(2), FDA Information Sheets – Self
Evaluation Checklist for IRB's , IRB Guidebook I, OHRP Common
Findings and Guidance, OHRP Guidelines for Formulating Written
IRB Policies and Procedures |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes. |
IRB11B |
The IRB meeting minutes
reflect the presence of a quorum at each recorded vote or
for the entire meeting. Minutes document the following:
Circumstances in which members with conflicts of interest
did not participate in the deliberations or voting.
A non-scientific member of the IRB was present during
the entire meeting.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
All IRB minutes document two factors. |
NA |
IRB minutes from the most recent
six months document two factors. |
IRB minutes in the most recent six
months document less than two factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA reviews one year's IRB minutes to assess compliance
with this element. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.115(a)(2), M-3,
Part I, 9.09b, 45CFR46.115(a)(2), 21CFR56.115(a)(2), FDA
Information Sheets – Self Evaluation Checklist for
IRB's. ICH Guidelines 3.2.3, IRB Guidebook III D, OHRP Common
Findings and Guidance #8, #9, #10, #100, OHRP Guidelines
for Formulating Written IRB Policies and Procedures. |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes. |
IRB11C |
The IRB documents the
following, if applicable:
Assessment of additional safeguards to protect vulnerable
populations if entered as study subjects.
Results of expedited reviews.
The basis for allowing expedited review.
The basis for allowing a protocol to be exempt from IRB
The basis for allowing waiver or alteration of informed
consent forms, the informed consent process, or documentation
of consent.
The basis for allowing exceptions from the general requirements
for obtaining informed consent before the use of
a test article.
The basis for allowing exceptions from informed consent
requirements in planned emergency research.
The determination of risk level of investigational devices.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
The IRB documents all applicable
factors. |
NA |
NA |
The IRB documents less than all
applicable factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA reviews one year's IRB minutes or other forms of IRB
documentation to assess compliance with this element. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.101(b), 38CFR16.110,
38CFR16.110(b), 38CFR16.111(b), 38CFR16.116(c), 45CFR46.101(b),
45CFR46.110(b), 45CFR46.111(b), 45CFR46.116(c), 21CFR50.23,
21CFR50.24, 21CFR56.104, 21CFR56.105, 21CFR56.110(b), 21CFR56.111(b),
21CFR812.66 |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, files, other IRB documentation. |
IRB11D |
The IRB documents the
following findings:
Analysis of risk and benefits of research reviewed.
Assessment of proposed informed consent documents.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
The IRB documents two factors in
100% of reviewed materials. |
NA |
The IRB documents one factor in
100% of reviewed materials. |
The IRB documents less than one
factor in one or more reviewed files. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews files for evidence of IRB consideration. If there
are fewer than 16 such files in the sample, NCQA will review
all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(2), 38CFR16.116,
M-3, Part I, 9.09, M-3, Part I, 9.11,M-3, Part I, Chapter
3, Appendix 9C, 45CFR46.111(a)(2),45CFR46.116; 21CFR56.111(a)(2),
IRB Guidebook III A/B |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, files, or other IRB documentation. |
IRB11E |
IRB decisions are reported
to the investigator and appropriate institutional officials. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
All IRB decisions are reported. |
NA |
NA |
Less than all IRB decisions are
reported. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.109(d), 38CFR16.113,
45CFR46.109(d), 45CFR46.113, 21CFR56.109(e), 21CFR56.113,
FDA Information Sheets – Self Evaluation Checklist
for IRB's, ICH Guidelines 3.1.2, IRB Guidebook I, III H |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB communications. |
IRB11F |
Documentation of IRB
actions are forwarded to the R&D Committee (for both
VAMC IRBs and affiliate IRBs). |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
All IRB actions reported to R&D. |
NA |
NA |
Less than all IRB actions reported
to R&D. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA reviews one year's IRB minutes to assess compliance
with this element.
NCQA reviews one year's R&D Committee minutes to assess
compliance with this element. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I, 3.01e |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB communications, R&D Committee minutes. |
IRB11G |
When reviewing a research
proposal with elements warranting special attention (e.g.
placebos, challenge studies, radiation exposure, deviations
from standards of care) the IRB documents its consideration
of the appropriateness of, and rationale for, such elements. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Element met in 100% of applicable
files reviewed. |
NA |
NA |
Element not met in one or more applicable
files reviewed. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA reviews one year's IRB minutes to assess compliance
with this element.
NCQA will select 5 cases from the minutes and ask for documentation
on site. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
IRB Guidebook III A |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, files, and other IRB documentation. |
IRB12 |
The IRB retains
required records for at least three years from study
completion. |
IRB12A |
The IRB retains records
for a minimum of three years following the completion of
the study, in accordance with VHA's Records Control Schedule,
applicable FDA and DHHS regulations, or as required by sponsors. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Record retention meets regulatory
requirements. |
NA |
NA |
Record retention does not meet regulatory
requirements. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.115(b), 45CFR46.115(b),
21CFR56.115(b) |
Data Sources |
Interview, visual inspection |
Notes |
Examples that may demonstrate
compliance with this element include: IRB staff are able
to state how long records are kept, IRB staff are able to
demonstrate where files are kept and how long they are kept. |
IRB12B |
The IRB makes records
accessible for inspection and copying by authorized representatives
of VA, including accreditors and appropriate Federal departments
or agencies, at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
100% of files requested by surveyors
are accessible. |
NA |
NA |
Less than 100% of files requested
by surveyors are accessible. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.115(b), 45CFR46.115(b),
21CFR56.115(b) |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB documentation. |
IRB12C |
IRB records are the
property and the responsibility of the local research office
and are maintained and/or stored as required to protect the
privacy and confidentiality of subjects. |
Weight (1-5) |
4 |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Records are stored in a secure environment. |
NA |
NA |
Records are not stored in a secure
environment. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.115(b), 45CFR46.115(b),
21CFR56.115(b) |
Data Sources |
Interview, visual inspection |
Notes |
Examples that may demonstrate
compliance with this element include: IRB staff are able
to state how records are kept, IRB staff are able to demonstrate
where files are kept and state who has access to files. |
IRB12D |
The IRB controls access
to protocol files. The IRB can provide information on the
Who accessed the files with the exception of IRB and
research office staff.
What files were accessed.
When the files were accessed.
For what purpose the files were accessed.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Information is available on four
factors. |
Information is available on three
factors. |
Information is available on two
factors. |
Information is available on less
than two factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA reviews this element
for each IRB used.
The IRB is able to produce all requested files. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(7), 38CFR16.115(b),
45CFR46.111(a)(7), 45CFR46.115(b), 21CFR56.111(a)(7), 21CFR56.115(b) |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB file access logs. |
IRB13 |
The IRB conducts
quality assurance/quality improvement activities for
IRB operation. |
IRB13A |
The IRB or its designee
evaluates the adequacy and effectiveness of its processes
Established timelines for receipt and distribution of
protocol materials.
The system for primary reviewer assignment, if applicable.
Information considered at initial review.
Information considered while monitoring ongoing research.
Information considered at continuing review.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
The IRB evaluates all applicable
factors. |
The IRB evaluates three factors. |
The IRB evaluates two factors. |
The IRB evaluates less than two
factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
FDA Information Sheets – Self
Evaluation Checklist for IRB's, IRB Guidebook I B, OHRP Common
Findings and Guidance #14, #15 |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
quality assurance reports, IRB minutes, correspondence. |
IRB13B |
The IRB or its designee
evaluates its compliance with VA and Federal regulations
and the institution's policies and procedures for informed
consent including the following areas, if applicable:
Granting waivers or alterations of informed consent documents
or the informed consent process.
Granting exceptions from the general requirements for
obtaining consent before the use of a test article.
Granting exceptions to informed consent in planned emergency
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
The IRB evaluates all applicable
factors. |
NA |
NA |
The IRB evaluates less than all
applicable factors. |
The IRB does not grant waivers,
alterations or exceptions. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
IRB Guidebook I B |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
quality assurance reports, IRB minutes, correspondence. |
IRB13C |
The IRB or its designee
evaluates compliance with VA and Federal regulations and
the institution's policies and procedures for the conduct
of expedited review. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
IRB evaluates compliance. |
NA |
NA |
IRB does not evaluate compliance. |
The IRB does not conduct expedited
review. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
IRB Guidebook I B |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
quality assurance reports, IRB minutes, correspondence. |
IRB13D |
The IRB or its designee
evaluates compliance with VA and Federal regulations and
the institution's policies and procedures for determining
exempt status. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
The IRB evaluates compliance. |
NA |
NA |
The IRB does not evaluate compliance. |
The IRB does not exempt protocols
from IRB review. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
IRB Guidebook I B |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
quality assurance reports, IRB minutes, correspondence. |
IRB13E |
The IRB or its designee
evaluates compliance with VA and Federal regulations and
the institution's policies and procedures for determining
the risk level of devices. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
The IRB evaluates compliance. |
NA |
NA |
The IRB does not evaluate compliance. |
The IRB does not conduct device
research. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
IRB Guidebook I B |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
quality assurance reports, IRB minutes, correspondence. |
IRB13F |
If deficiencies are
identified through the evaluations, the IRB implements corrective
actions. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
The IRB implements corrective action
for all identified deficiencies. |
NA |
The IRB implements corrective action
for at least half of all identified deficiencies. |
The IRB implements corrective action
for less than half of all identified deficiencies. |
No deficiencies identified. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
IRB Guidebook I B |
Data Sources |
Reports |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
quality assurance reports, IRB minutes, correspondence. |
Topic Area |
of Risks and Benefits (CRB) |
Rationale |
All research should be designed
to maximize possible benefits and minimize possible harms
to participants. When a research proposal does not have
the proper balance of risks and benefits, it should not
be approved. One of the major responsibilities of the
IRB is to assess the risks and benefits of the proposed
research and to put in place safeguards that minimize
the risks of harms to subjects. This standard contains
the requirements for IRB actions related to assessment
and balancing of risks and benefits. |
The IRB systematically
evaluates risks and anticipated benefits as part of the
initial review and continuing review of the research. |
CRB1 |
The IRB has
procedures for initial and continuing review of the risks
and benefits of research. |
Procedures for the initial
and continuing review of the risks and benefits of research
include the following:
Identification of the risks associated with research.
Assessment of whether risks have been minimized.
Determination of the level of risks of the research (e.g.,
minimal, greater than minimal).
Identification of the probable individual and societal
benefits of the research.
Determination that risks are reasonable in relation to
the benefits to subjects and the knowledge to be
Determination of interval for continuing review based
on the level of risk.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Procedures address all six factors. |
Procedures address five factors. |
Procedures address four factors. |
Procedures address less than four
factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.103(b)(4), 38CFR16.111(a)(1),
38CFR16.111(a)(1)(2), 38CFR16.111(a)(2), M-3, Part I, 9.09(a)(1),
45CFR46.111(a)(1)(2), 45CFR46.111(a)(2), 21CFR56.111(a)(1)(2),
21CFR56.111(a)(2), IRB Guidebook III A, III H |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB policies and procedures, reviewer evaluation tools. |
CRB2 |
The IRB consistently
identifies and analyzes potential sources of risk and
the measures to minimize risk. |
The IRB's evaluation
of research proposal risk includes consideration of the following:
Study design.
Scientific rationale.
Procedures to minimize risk.
Process for monitoring and reporting adverse events.
Presence of a Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB), if
Scientific training and qualifications of investigators
and research staff.
Human subject protection training of investigators and
research staff.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Documentation of IRB evaluation
of risks exists in IRB minutes or other IRB documentation
for all applicable factors in 100% of sampled files. |
The IRB Chair and IRB members articulate
the process of risk evaluation by the IRB. |
Evidence exists in the research
protocol that the information was available to the IRB for
evaluation in 100% of applicable sampled files. |
At least one sampled protocol file
lacks evidence of IRB evaluation of an applicable factor. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews files for evidence of IRB consideration, or for
presence of submitted information about each factor in the
protocol file. If there are fewer than 16 such files in the
sample, NCQA will review all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(1), 38CFR16.111(a)(6),
M-3, Part I, 9.09, 45CFR46.111(a)(1), 45CFR46.111(a)(6),
21CFR56.111(a)(1), 21CFR56.111(a)(6), FWA A-8, ICH Guidelines
3.1.3, ICH Guidelines 5.5.2, IRB Guidebook III A, IV A |
Data Sources |
Files, materials, interviews |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation, interview with IRB Chair
and members, protocol. |
The IRB documents its
evaluation of research proposal risk, including evaluation
of the following:
Study design.
Scientific rationale.
Procedures to minimize risk.
Process for monitoring and reporting adverse events.
Presence of a Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB), if
Scientific training and qualifications of investigators
and research staff.
Human subject protection training of investigators and
research staff.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Documentation exists in IRB minutes
or other IRB documentation of IRB evaluation of all applicable
factors in 100% of sampled files. |
NA |
NA |
At least one sampled protocol file
lacks documentation of IRB evaluation of an applicable factor. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews files for evidence of IRB consideration. If there
are fewer than 16 such files in the sample, NCQA will review
all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(1), 38CFR16.111(a)(6),
M-3, Part I, 9.09, 45CFR46.111(a)(1), 45CFR46.111(a)(6),
21CFR56.111(a)(1), 21CFR56.111(a)(6), FWA A-8, ICH Guidelines
3.1.3, ICH Guidelines 5.5.2, IRB Guidebook III A, IV A |
Data Sources |
Files, materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation. |
The IRB considers the
inclusion of vulnerable subjects in research, where applicable.
Consideration includes the following:
Category of vulnerability of the proposed study population.
Additional safeguards planned to protect the rights and
welfare of potentially vulnerable subjects.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Documentation of IRB consideration
of the two factors exists in IRB minutes or other IRB documentation
in 100% of applicable sampled protocol files. |
The IRB Chair and IRB members articulate
the process for IRB consideration of the inclusion and protection
of vulnerable subjects. |
Evidence exists in the research
protocol that information about both factors was available
to the IRB for consideration in 100% of applicable sampled
protocol files. |
At least one sampled protocol files
lacks evidence of IRB consideration of an applicable factor. |
No protocol files reviewed included
vulnerable populations. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews applicable files for evidence of IRB consideration,
or for presence of submitted information about each factor
in the protocol file. If there are fewer than 16 such files
in the sample, NCQA will review all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(3), 38CFR16.111(b),
M-3, Part I, 9.09(a)(3), M-3, Part I, 9.09(a)(8), 45CFR46.111(a)(3),
45CFR46.111(b), 21CFR56.111(a)(3), 21CFR56.111(b), IRB Guidebook
Data Sources |
Files, materials, interviews |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation, interview with IRB Chair
and members, protocol. |
The IRB documents its
consideration of the inclusion of vulnerable subjects where
applicable, in research, including the following:
Category of vulnerability of the proposed study population.
Additional safeguards planned to protect the rights and
welfare of potentially vulnerable subjects.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Documentation exists in IRB minutes
or other IRB documentation for both factors in 100% of applicable
sampled protocol files. |
NA |
NA |
At least one sampled protocol file
lacks documentation of IRB evaluation of an applicable factor. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews applicable files for evidence of IRB consideration.
If there are fewer than 16 such files in the sample, NCQA
will review all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(3), 38CFR16.111(b),
M-3, Part I, 9.09(a)(3), M-3, Part I, 9.09(a)(8), 45CFR46.111(a)(3),
45CFR46.111(b), 21CFR56.111(a)(3), 21CFR56.111(b), IRB Guidebook
Data Sources |
Files, materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation. |
The IRB distinguishes
the risks of research activities from the risk of therapeutic
activities (when applicable). |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Documentation exists that the IRB
distinguishes research risk from therapeutic activities risk
in 100% of applicable sampled protocol files. |
The IRB Chair and IRB members articulate
the process for the IRB distinguishing research risk from
therapeutic activities risk. |
Evidence exists in the research
protocol that distinguishes research risk from therapeutic
risk consideration in 100% of applicable sampled protocol
files. |
At least one applicable sampled
protocol file lacks evidence distinguishing research risk
from therapeutic risk. |
No protocol files reviewed included
therapeutic activities. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews applicable files for evidence of IRB consideration,
or for presence of submitted information in the protocol
file. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(2), 45CFR56.111(a)(2),
21CFR56.111(a)(2), IRB Guidebook III A |
Data Sources |
Materials, interview,
files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation, interview with IRB Chair
and members, protocol. |
The IRB documents its
distinction of the risks of research activities from the
risk of therapeutic activities (when applicable). |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Documentation of the IRB distinction
of research risk from therapeutic activities risk exists
in IRB minutes or other IRB documentation in 100% of applicable
sampled protocol files. |
NA |
NA |
At least one applicable sampled
file lacks documentation of IRB distinction of research risk
from therapeutic risk. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews applicable files for evidence of IRB consideration.
If there are fewer than 16 such files in the sample, NCQA
will review all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(2), 45CFR56.111(a)(2),
21CFR56.111(a)(2), IRB Guidebook III A |
Data Sources |
Materials, files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation. |
The IRB considers the
following types of risk:
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Documentation exists of IRB consideration
of the four factors in IRB minutes or other IRB documentation
in 100% of sampled protocol files. |
The IRB Chair and IRB members articulate
the process of IRB consideration of the four factors. |
Evidence exists in research protocols
that the information was available to the IRB for consideration. |
At least one sampled protocol file
lacks evidence of IRB consideration of one of the four factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews files for evidence of IRB consideration, or for
presence of each factor in the protocol file. If there are
fewer than 16 such files in the sample, NCQA will review
all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
IRB Guidebook III A |
Data Sources |
Materials, interview,
files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation, interview with IRB Chair
and members, protocol. |
The IRB documents its
consideration of the following types of risk:
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Documentation exists in IRB minutes
or other IRB documentation of IRB consideration of all four
factors in 100% of sampled protocol files. |
NA |
NA |
At least one sampled protocol file
lacks documentation of IRB consideration of one factor. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews files for evidence of IRB consideration. If there
are fewer than 16 such files in the sample, NCQA will review
all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
IRB Guidebook III A |
Data Sources |
Materials, files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation. |
The IRB determines the
interval for continuing review appropriate to the degree
of risk (at least once per year) for each protocol reviewed. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Element met in 100% of sampled protocol
files. |
NA |
NA |
Element met in less
than 100% of sampled protocol files. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews files for evidence of IRB consideration. If there
are fewer than 16 such files in the sample, NCQA will review
all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.109(e), 45CRF46.109(e),
21CFR56.109(e), IRB Guidebook III H |
Data Sources |
Files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation, reviewer tools, communications
to investigators. |
CRB3 |
The IRB evaluates
each research proposal to identify the probable benefits
of the research. |
The IRB evaluates each
research proposal to identify the probable benefits of the
research. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Documentation exists in IRB minutes
or other IRB documentation of IRB evaluation of the probable
benefits in 100% of sampled protocol files. |
The IRB Chair and IRB members articulate
the process of IRB evaluation of the probable benefits of
research. |
Evidence exists in research protocols
that the information was available to the IRB for evaluation
in 100% of sampled files. |
At least one sampled protocol file
lacks evidence of IRB evaluation of the probable benefits. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews files for evidence of IRB consideration, or for
presence of the element in the protocol file. If there are
fewer than 16 such files in the sample, NCQA will review
all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(2), M-3,
Part I, 9.09 (2), 45CFR46.111(a)(2), 21CFR56.111(a)(2), IRB
Guidebook III A. |
Data Sources |
Files, materials, interview |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB documentation, IRB minutes, interview with IRB Chair
and members, protocol. |
The IRB considers the
importance of the knowledge that may be reasonably expected
to result from the research. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Documentation exists in IRB minutes
or other IRB documentation of IRB consideration of the importance
of the research in 100% of sampled protocol files. |
The IRB Chair and IRB members articulate
the process of IRB consideration of the importance of the
research. |
Evidence exists in research protocols
that the information was available to the IRB for consideration
in 100% of sampled protocol files. |
At least one sampled protocol file
lacks evidence of IRB consideration of the importance of
research. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews files for evidence of IRB consideration, or for
presence of submitted information about the element in the
protocol file. If there are fewer than 16 such files in the
sample, NCQA will review all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(2), M3,
Part I, 9.09 (2) (b), 45CFR46.111(a)(2), 21CFR56.111(a)(2),
IRB Guidebook III A. |
Data Sources |
Materials, interview,
files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation, interview with IRB Chair
and members, protocol. |
The IRB documents its
evaluation of the benefits of research, including the following:
The probable benefits to the subjects.
The importance of the knowledge that may be reasonably
expected to result from the research.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Documentation exists in IRB minutes
or other IRB documentation of IRB evaluation of the two factors
in 100% of sampled protocol files. |
NA |
NA |
At least one sample protocol file
lacks documentation of the IRB evaluation of one factor. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews files for documentation of IRB consideration.
If there are fewer than 16 such studies in the sample, NCQA
will review all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(2), M3,
Part I, 9.09 (2) (b), 45CFR46.111(a)(2), 21CFR56.111(a)(2),
IRB Guidebook III A. |
Data Sources |
Materials, interview,
files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation. |
CRB4 |
The IRB weighs
the risks to subjects in relation to anticipated benefits. |
The IRB approves research
only when it determines that the risks to subjects are reasonable
in relation to anticipated benefits, if any, to subjects,
and the importance of the knowledge that may be expected
to result. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Documentation exists in IRB minutes
or other documentation that the IRB determined risks are
reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits. |
NA |
NA |
At least one sampled protocol file
lacks documentation that the IRB determined risks are reasonable
in relation to anticipated benefits. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews files for evidence of IRB consideration, or for
presence of submitted information about the element in the
protocol file. If there are fewer than 16 such files in the
sample, NCQA will review all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(2), M3,
Part I, 9.09 (2), 45CFR46.111(a)(2), 21CFR56.111(a)(2), IRB
Guidebook III A. |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation. |
CRB5 |
The IRB continually
evaluates the risks and benefits of protocols. |
The IRB continually
reviews information on sources of risks and benefits of the
research. The IRB reviews the following:
Serious adverse event reports from investigators.
Sponsor safety reports (e.g., IND, IDE, or MedWatch reports).
Amended or updated Investigator Brochures.
Changes to the research, including amendments to the
New information available regarding the research project
that may change the risk/benefit ratio.
Research findings to date, including summary of subject
experiences (benefits, adverse reactions) and summary
of DSMB meetings (if applicable).
Reports of injuries to subjects.
Unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects.
Subjects withdrawn and the reasons for withdrawal.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
IRB reviewed all nine factors when
applicable in 100% of sampled protocol files. |
NA |
NA |
IRB reviewed less than nine factors
in 100% of sampled protocol files. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews files for evidence of IRB consideration. If there
are fewer than 16 such files in the sample, NCQA will review
all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.103(b)(5), 38CFR16.103(b)(5)(i), 45CFR46.103(b)(4)(iii),
45CFR46.103(b)(5), 45CFR46.103(b)(5)(i), 21CFR56.103(b)(4)(iii),
21CFR56.103(b)(5)(i), 21CFR56.108(b), FDA Information Sheets – Continuing
Review After Study Approval, FDA Information Sheets – Self
Evaluation Checklist for IRB's, IRB Guidebook III H, OHRP
Guidelines for Formulating Written IRB Policies and Procedures |
Data Sources |
Materials, files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, IRB documentation. |
Topic Area |
and Subject Selection (RSS) |
Rationale |
Because research frequently
poses risks of harm and the possibility of benefit, it
is necessary to distribute potential risks and benefits
fairly. Special protections may be necessary for groups
that have been discriminated against in the past, who
are vulnerable to manipulation, or unable to freely consent.
IRBs must assure that procedures for selecting research
subjects are fair and that recruitment methods are acceptable.
This standard outlines the expected processes that IRBs
must use to ensure that research participants are identified
and recruited properly. |
The IRB systematically
evaluates recruitment practices. |
RSS1 |
The IRB ensures
that recruitment practices for proposed research are
acceptable. |
The IRB's policies and
procedures define acceptable recruitment practices, consistent
with regulatory guidance, as applied to the following activities:
Payment to subjects.
Compensation to investigators, physicians and other health
care providers for identifying and/or enrolling subjects.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
all three factors. |
Policies and procedures address
two factors. |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
less than two factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I, 9.13, FDA
Information Sheets – Recruiting Study Subjects, HHS-IGR,
ICH Guidelines 5.8.3, IRB Guidebook III G, IV I |
Data Sources |
Documented Process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, instructions to investigators. |
The IRB considers whether
proposed subject recruitment methods, advertising materials
and subject payment arrangements create undue influence to
participate. The IRB reviews the following methods used to
recruit potential subjects:
The nature or amount of the compensation offered to subjects
for participation in research.
Proposed advertisements.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Information about all applicable
factors are present in 100% of sampled protocol files. |
The IRB Chair and IRB members articulate
the process of IRB consideration of proposed subject recruitment
methods |
Evidence exists that the information
was available to the IRB for consideration in 100% of sampled
protocol files. |
Protocol states compensation will
occur or advertising will be done, but no ad exists in the
file nor is compensation detailed in 100% of sampled protocol
files. |
Study uses no advertisements or
subject compensation. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews files for evidence of IRB consideration, or for
presence of submitted information about each factor in the
protocol files. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I, 9.13b(3),
FDA Information Sheets – Recruiting Study Subjects,
ICH Guidelines 3.1.8, IRB Guidebook III G, IV I |
Data Sources |
Files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, communications to investigators, protocol files. |
RSS2 |
The IRB systematically
evaluates subject selection practices to ensure that
the risks, burdens and benefits of research are equitably
distributed. |
The IRB has policies
and procedures for evaluating protocols regarding the equitable
selection of subjects, which include consideration of the
Purposes of research.
Setting in which research occurs.
The scientific and ethical justification for including
vulnerable populations such as children, prisoners,
pregnant women, mentally disabled persons, or economically
or educationally disadvantaged persons.
The scientific and ethical justification for excluding
classes of persons who might benefit from the research.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
all four factors. |
Policies and procedures address
three factors. |
Policies and procedures address
two factors. |
Policies and procedures address
less than two factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(3), 38CFR16.111(b),
M-3, Part I, 9.09a(3), M-3, Part I, 9.09a(8), 45CFR46.111(a)(3),
45CFR46.111(b), 21CFR56.111(a)(3), 21CFR56.111(b), IRB Guidebook
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB policies and procedures. |
The IRB considers subject
selection criteria in its review of research to ensure that
subject selection criteria are appropriate to the purposes
of research, consistent with VA and DHHS policies, and fairly
distribute the burdens, risks and benefits of the research.
The IRB evaluates the following:
The purpose of the research.
The burdens and risks of the research.
Potential benefits of the research.
Inclusion criteria.
Exclusion criteria.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Information about all five factors
is present in 100% of sampled protocol files. |
The IRB chair and IRB members articulate
the process of IRB consideration of subject selection criteria. |
Evidence exists that the information
was available to the IRB for consideration in 100% of sampled
protocol files. |
No evidence exists in any form of
IRB consideration of the element in less than 100% of sample
protocol files. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews files for evidence of IRB consideration, or for
presence of submitted information about each factor in the
protocol files. If there are fewer the 16 such files in the
sample, NCQA will review all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(2), 38CFR16.111(a)(3),
M-3, Part I, 9.09a(3), 45CFR46.111(a)(2), 45CFR46.111(a)(3),
21CFR56.111(a)(2), 21CFR56.111(a)(3), HHS-IGR, IRB Guidebook
Data Sources |
Files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, reviewer evaluation tools, protocol files. |
The IRB considers subject
enrollment at continuing review. The IRB considers whether
recruitment methods, enrollment procedures and selection
criteria fairly distribute the burdens, risks and benefits
of research by evaluating the following:
Number of subjects entered into the study.
Gender of subjects entered into the study.
Minority status of subjects entered into the study.
Number of children entered into the study.
Number of women entered into the study.
If applicable, number of potentially vulnerable subjects
entered into the study, including prisoners, pregnant
women, economically and educationally disadvantaged,
decisionally impaired, and homeless people.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Information about all applicable
factors are present in 100% of sampled protocol files. |
The IRB Chair and IRB members articulate
the process of IRB consideration of the applicable factors
for subject enrollment. |
Evidence exists that the information
was available to the IRB for consideration in 100% of sampled
protocol files. |
No evidence exists in any form of
IRB consideration of the element in less than 100% of sampled
protocol files. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews files for evidence of IRB consideration, or for
presence of submitted information about each factor in the
protocol files. If there are fewer than 16 such files in
the sample, NCQA will review all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
FDA Information Sheets – Self
Evaluation Checklist for IRB's, IRB Guidebook III H , OHRP
Guidelines for Formulating Written IRB Policies and Procedures |
Data Sources |
Files, system query |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, information provided by investigators, protocol
list, protocol files. |
Topic Area |
and Confidentiality (PCF) |
Rationale |
Violation of a research subject's
privacy may lead to significant harms such as loss of
work, embarrassment, loss of benefits and loss of dignity.
IRBs must determine that proposed research has adequate
provisions to protect the privacy of human subjects and
maintain the confidentiality of the data. IRBs must understand
and consider risks of harm from loss of confidentiality,
and methods to reduce the risk of breach of confidentiality.
This standard outlines requirements for the protection
of privacy and confidentiality. |
The IRB systematically
evaluates the protection of privacy and confidentiality
in proposed research. |
PCF1 |
The IRB systematically
evaluates research proposals for provisions to protect
privacy and confidentiality. |
The IRB provides investigators
with policies and procedures for preserving subject privacy
and confidentiality. The policies and procedures cover the
Methods used to obtain information about subjects.
Methods used to obtain information about individuals
who may be recruited to participate in studies.
Nature of information that may be sought.
Use of personally identifiable records.
Methods to protect the confidentiality of research data
that may include such measures as coding, removal
of identifying information, limiting access to data,
use of Certificates of Confidentiality or other effective
The investigator's disclosures to participants about
Determination of whether a Federal Certificate of Confidentiality
should be obtained.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
all seven factors. |
Policies and procedures address
five factors. |
Policies and procedures address
three factors. |
Policies and procedures address
less than three factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions. |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(7), M-3,
Part I, 9.09a(7), M-3, Part I, 9.14(a)(c), 45CFR46.111(a)(7),
21CFR56.111(a)(7), FDA Information Sheets – Guide
to Informed Consent, IRB Guidebook III D |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, instructions to investigators. |
The IRB's evaluation
of research proposals includes determining whether privacy
and confidentiality are protected in the following:
Methods used to identify and recruit participants.
Methods to obtain information about participants.
Provisions for protecting the confidentiality of research
data, including, where appropriate, Certificates
of Confidentiality.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
IRB minutes or other IRB documentation
show evidence of the IRB evaluation of all applicable factors
in 100% of sampled protocol files. |
The IRB Chair and IRB members articulate
the process of IRB evaluation of all applicable factors. |
Evidence exists in research protocols
that the information was available for IRB consideration
of all applicable factors in 100% of sampled protocol files. |
At least one sampled protocol file
lacks evidence of IRB evaluation of an applicable factor. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews files for evidence of IRB consideration, or for
presence of submitted information about each factor in the
protocol files. If there are fewer than 16 such files in
the sample, NCQA will review all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(7), M-3,
Part I, 9.09a(7), 45CFR46.111(a)(7), 21CFR56.111(a)(7), IRB
Guidebook III D |
Data Sources |
Files, materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB documentation, IRB minutes. |
The IRB documents its
evaluation of research proposals for protection of privacy
and confidentiality. Documentation includes the following:
Methods used to identify and recruit participants.
Methods to obtain information about participants.
Provisions for protecting the confidentiality of research
data, including, where appropriate, Certificates
of Confidentiality.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Documentation of IRB evaluation
of all applicable factors exists in IRB minutes or other
IRB documentation in 100% of sampled protocol files. |
NA |
NA |
At least one sampled protocol file
lacks documentation of IRB evaluation of an applicable factor. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA selects a random sample of 16 active research studies
and reviews files for evidence of IRB consideration. If there
are fewer than 16 such files in the sample, NCQA will review
all active studies. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(7), M-3,
Part I, 9.09a(7), 45CFR46.111(a)(7), 21CFR56.111(a)(7), IRB
Guidebook III D |
Data Sources |
Files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB documentation, IRB minutes, checklists. |
Topic Area |
Consent (ICS) |
Rationale |
Informed consent is critical
to the protection of human research subjects. It is central
to enabling participants to determine if they are willing
to accept the risks of the research in order to gain
the potential benefits or to support the development
of new knowledge. For informed consent to take place,
research participants need to be: 1) capable of deciding
whether to participate; 2) adequately informed about
the risks and benefits of participation; 3) able to understand
the information; and 4) free to make a voluntary decision
to participate. This standard outlines the requirements
for methods to permit HRPPs and IRBs to assess whether
the informed consent process is adequate. |
The IRB assures
that prospective human subjects give valid informed consent. |
ICS1 |
The IRB has
policies and procedure for the process of obtaining informed
consent from subjects or their legally authorized representatives
and evaluates research proposals for compliance. |
IRB policies and procedures
describe the following:
The IRB has the authority to observe the consent process.
Who, under VA policy, state and local law, may serve
as a legally authorized representative for subjects
determined to be incapable of making an autonomous
Who is eligible to inform the prospective subject about
all aspects of the trial and conduct the informed
consent process.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
all three factors. |
Policies and procedures address
two factors. |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
less than two factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.109(e), M-3,
Part I, 9.11a, M-3, Part I, 9.12a(1), 45CFR46.109(e), 21CFR56.109(f),
FDA Information Sheets – FAQ 39, IRB Guidebook III
B |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions. |
The IRB has policies
and procedures that require investigators to obtain consent
prior to entering a subject into a study and the conduct
of any procedures required by the protocol, unless consent
is waived by the IRB. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
the element. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures do not address
the element. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.111(a)(4), 38CFR16.116,
45CFR46.111(a)(4), 45CFR46.116, 21CFR50.20, 21CFR56.111(a)(4),
ICH Guidelines 4.8 |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions. |
The IRB has policies
and procedures for evaluating the research plan for conducting
the informed consent process with the following considerations:
Assessing the subject's capacity to consent to a research
protocol, if applicable.
Ensuring that information is given to the subject, or
their legally authorized representative, in a language
that is understandable to the subject or representative.
Providing the prospective subject or the legally authorized
representative sufficient opportunity to consider
whether or not to participate.
Ensuring that subjects give consent without coercion
or undue influence.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
all four factors. |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
three factors. |
Policies and procedures address
less than three factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.116, 45CFR46.116,
21CFR50.20, ICH Guidelines 4.8, IRB Guidebook IIIB |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions. |
ICS2 |
The IRB has
policies and procedures that define required content
for informed consent forms. |
The IRB requires that
consent forms include all the basic elements of information
as set forth in VA and other Federal regulations. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
the element. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures do not address
the element. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
45CFR46.116(a)(1-8), 21CFR50.25(a)(1-8),FDA Information Sheets – Guide
to Informed Consent, FWA A-5, ICH Guidelines 4.8.5, IRB Guidebook
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions,
template consent. |
The IRB requires that
consent forms include (when applicable) the additional elements
of information as set forth in VA and other Federal regulations. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
the element. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures do not address
the element. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
45CFR46.116(b)(1-6), 21CFR50.25(b)(1-6), FDA Information
Sheets – Guide to Informed Consent, FWA A-5, ICH Guidelines
4.8.5, IRB Guidebook III B |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions,
template consent. |
The IRB requires all
information concerning payment to subjects, including the
amount and schedule of payments, be included in the informed
consent document. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
the element. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures do not address
the element. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I, 9.13b(2),
ICH Guidelines 3.1.9 |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions,
template consent. |
The IRB requires the
consent form to contain information in language understandable
to the subject or the legally authorized representative.
The appropriate reading level of consent forms is defined,
based on the potential population.
Validated translations of consent forms are available
for non-English-speaking subjects, if applicable.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
two factors. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
less than two factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.116, 45CFR46.116,
21CFR50.20, FDA Information Sheets – Guide to Informed
Consent, FWA A-5, ICH Guidelines 4.8.5, IRB Guidebook III
B |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions. |
The IRB prohibits any
informed consent, whether oral or written, from including
any exculpatory language through which the subject or the
legally authorized representative is made to waive or appear
to waive any of the subject's legal rights, or releases or
appears to release the investigator, the sponsor, the institution
or its agents from liability for negligence. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
the element. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures do not address
the element. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.116, 45CFR46.116,
21CFR50.20, FDA Information Sheets – Guide to Informed
Consent, FWA A-5, ICH Guidelines 4.8.5, IRB Guidebook III
B |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions. |
The IRB requires the
content of consent forms to be consistent with state laws
regarding content (if applicable). |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
the element. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures do not address
the element. |
State laws do not address consent
content. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.116(e), 45CFR46.116(c),
21CFR50.25(c)FDA Information Sheets – Guide to Informed
Consent, FWA A-5, ICH Guidelines 4.8.5, IRB Guidebook III
B |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions. |
ICS3 |
The IRB ensures
that consent forms contain all required content. |
IRB approved consent
forms include all the basic elements of information as set
forth in VA and other Federal regulations.
A statement that the study involves research, an explanation
of the purposes of the research and the expected
duration of the subject's participation, a description
of the procedures to be followed, and identification
of any procedures which are experimental.
A description of any reasonably foreseeable risks or
discomforts to the subject.
A description of any benefits to the subjects or to others
which may reasonably be expected from the research.
A disclosure of appropriate alternative procedures or
courses of treatment, if any, that might be advantageous
to the subject.
A statement describing the extent, if any, to which confidentiality
of records identifying the subject will be maintained
and notes (if applicable) the possibility that the
FDA may inspect the records.
For research involving more than minimal risk, an explanation
as to whether any compensation, and an explanation
as to whether any medical treatments are available,
if injury occurs and, if so, what they consist of,
or where further information may be obtained.
An explanation of whom to contact for answers to pertinent
questions about the research and research subjects'
rights, and whom to contact in the event of a research-related
injury to the subject.
A statement that participation is voluntary, refusal
to participate will involve no penalty or loss of
benefits to which the subject is otherwise entitled,
and the subject may discontinue participation at
any time without penalty or loss of benefits, to
which the subject is otherwise entitled.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Information about all eight factors
are present in 100% of sampled protocol files. |
NA |
NA |
Information about less than all
eight factors are present in less than 100% of sampled protocol
files. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA will review a random sample of 16 files with written
consent forms. If there are fewer than 16 such files in the
sample, NCQA will review all files with written consent forms. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I, Appendix 9C, 45CFR46.116(a)(1-8), 21CFR50.25(a)(1-8),
FDA Information Sheets – Guide to Informed Consent,
ICH Guidelines 4.8.5, IRB Guidebook III B |
Data Sources |
Files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB approved consent forms. |
The IRB identifies when
the additional elements of information for informed consent
forms are required as set forth in VA and other Federal regulations. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Documentation exists in IRB minutes,
or other forms of IRB documentation of IRB identification
of whether any additional elements are required in 100% of
sampled protocol files. |
The IRB Chair and IRB members articulate
the process of IRB consideration of when additional elements
are required. |
Consent forms contain one or more
additional elements in 100% of sampled protocol files. |
At least one sampled protocol file
lacks evidence of IRB identification of whether any additional
elements are required. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA will review a random sample of 16 files with written
consent forms. If there are fewer than 16 such files in the
sample, NCQA will review all files with written consent forms. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
is no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I, Appendix 9C, 45CFR16.116(b)(1-6), 21CFR50.25(b)(1-6),
FDA Information Sheets – Guide to Informed Consent,
ICH Guidelines 4.8.5, IRB Guidebook III B |
Data Sources |
Files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB documentation, IRB approved consent forms. |
The IRB documents it's
determination whether any additional element of informed
consent is required. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
IRB minutes or other IRB documentation
provide evidence of IRB identification of whether any additional
element of informed consent is required in 100% of sampled
protocol files. |
NA |
NA |
At least one sampled protocol file
lacks documentation of IRB identification of whether additional
elements of informed consent are required. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA will review a random sample of 16 files with written
consent forms. If there are fewer than 16 such files in the
sample, NCQA will review all files with written consent forms. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited |
Regulatory Support |
Data Sources |
Materials |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB minutes, checklists, reviewer notes, IRB communications
to investigators. |
IRB approved consent
forms contain information concerning payment to subjects,
including the amount and schedule of payments. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Information about element is present
in 100% of sampled protocol files. |
NA |
NA |
Information about element is present
in less than 100% of sampled protocol files. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA will review a random sample of 16 files with written
consent forms. If there are fewer than 16 such files in the
sample, NCQA will review all files with written consent forms. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I, 9.13, FDA
Information Sheets – Payment to Research Subjects,
ICH Guidelines 3.1.9 |
Data Sources |
Files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB approved consent forms. |
No approved informed
consent, whether oral or written, includes any exculpatory
language through which the subject or the legally authorized
representative is made to waive or appear to waive any of
the subject's legal rights, or releases or appears to release
the investigator, the sponsor, the institution or its agents
from liability for negligence. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Consent forms do not contain statements
waiving any of the subject's rights or releasing investigator
or institution from liability in 100% of sampled protocol
files. |
NA |
NA |
At least one sampled protocol file
contains a consent form with exculpatory language. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used.
NCQA will review a random sample of 16 files with written
consent forms. If there are fewer than 16 such files in the
sample, NCQA will review all files with written consent forms. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.116, M-3, Part
I, Appendix 9C, 45CFR46.116, 21CFR50.20,FDA Information Sheets – Guide
to Informed Consent, ICH Guidelines 4.8.5, IRB Guidebook
Data Sources |
Files |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
IRB documentation, IRB approved consent forms. |
ICS4 |
The IRB has
policies and procedures regarding documentation of informed
consent. |
The IRB requires informed
consent to be documented by the use of a written consent
form, VA Form 10-1086, approved by the IRB and signed by
the subject or the subject's legally authorized representative,
except in cases where the documentation of informed consent
is waived by the IRB. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
the element. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures do not address
the element. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I, 9.09a(4),
M-3, Part I, 9.11(b) |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions. |
IRB policies describe
situations where the signature of a witness is required. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
the element. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures do not address
the element. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.117(b)(2), M-3,
Part I, 9.11b(2)(b), 45CFR46.117(b)(2), 21CFR50.27(b)(2) |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions. |
IRB policies describe
the conditions, if any, under which a "short form" informed
consent may be used. These conditions include the following:
There must be an oral presentation (in a language understandable
to the subject) of all information contained in the
completed informed consent document.
A short form written document (in the language understandable
to the subject) to be presented to the subject includes
a statement that the elements of informed consent
have been presented orally.
A summary of the oral presentation is provided. (The
English version of the informed consent document
can serve as the summary).
The short form written document (in the language understandable
to the subject) contains signature lines for both
the subject and the witness to the consent process.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
all four factors. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
less than four factors. |
"Short form" is not used. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR16.117(b)(2), M-3,
Part I, 9.11b(2)(b), 45CFR46.117(b)(2), 21CFR50.27(b)(2),
IRB Guidebook III B |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions. |
The IRB defines the
conditions under which it will permit waiver or alteration
of any element of informed consent or waive the requirement
to obtain consent, if applicable, in accordance with VA and
Federal regulations. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
the element. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures do not address
the element. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
38CFR(d)(1-4), M-3, Part I, Appendix 9C, 45CFR46.116(c)(1-2),
45CFR46.116(d)(1-4), 21CFR50.23, 21CFR50.24, IRB Guidebook
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions. |
The IRB defines the
conditions, if any, under which it allows for the waiver
of documentation of informed consent in accordance with VA
and Federal regulations, if applicable. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
the element. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures do not address
the element. |
IRB does not grant waiver of documentation
of consent. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
M-3, Part I, 9.11b(3), 45CFR46.117(c)(1-2), 21CFR50.23, 21CFR50.24,
IRB Guidebook III B |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions. |
The IRB protects human subjects
when exceptions from the informed consent requirements
have been approved. |
ICS5 |
The IRB has
policies and procedures that allow for exceptions from
the general requirements for obtaining informed consent
before the use of a test article and appropriately reviews
such exceptions. |
The IRB requires for
each individual situation in which a test article is to be
administered and informed consent may not feasibly be obtained,
that the investigator and a physician who is not otherwise
participating in the clinical investigation to certify in
writing all of the following:
The subject is confronted by a life-threatening situation
necessitating the use of the test article.
Informed consent cannot be obtained from the subject
because of an inability to communicate with, or obtain
legally effective consent from the subject.
Time is not sufficient to obtain consent from the subject's
legal representative.
There is no alternative method of approved or generally
recognized therapy that provides an equal or greater
likelihood of saving the life of the subject.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
all four factors. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
less than four factors. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
21CFR50.23(a)(1), 21CFR50.23(a)(2),
21CFR50.23(a)(3), 21CFR50.23(a)(4), FDA Information Sheets – Emergency
Use of Unapproved Medical Devices, IRB Guidebook III B |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions. |
The IRB requires that
if the immediate use of the test article is, in the investigator's
opinion, required to preserve the life of the subject, and
time is not sufficient to obtain the independent determination
by a physician not otherwise participating in the study,
in advance, the use of the test article shall be reviewed
and evaluated within 5 working days in writing by a physician
not participating in the investigation. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
the element. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures do not address
the element. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
21CFR50.23(b), FDA Information
Sheets – Emergency Use of Unapproved Medical Devices,
IRB Guidebook III B |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions. |
The IRB requires documentation
of emergency situations where exceptions to the general requirements
for informed consent have occurred to be submitted to the
IRB within five working days. |
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
Policies and procedures address
the element. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures do not address
the element. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
21CFR50.23(c), FDA Information
Sheets – Emergency Use of Unapproved Medical Devices,
IRB Guidebook III B |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions. |
ICS6 |
The IRB has
policies and procedures for exceptions from informed
consent requirements in planned emergency research and
systematically reviews such exceptions. |
The IRB requires that
planned emergency research proposals include documentation
of the following:
The human subjects are in a life-threatening situation,
available treatments are unproven or unsatisfactory,
and the collection of valid scientific evidence is
necessary to determine the safety and effectiveness
of particular interventions.
Obtaining informed consent is not feasible.
Participation in research holds out the prospect of direct
benefit to subjects.
The clinical investigation could not practically be carried
out without the waiver.
The proposed investigational plan defines the length
of the potential therapeutic window based on scientific
evidence and the investigator has committed to attempting
to contact a legally authorized representative within
that window of time.
The IRB has reviewed and approved informed consent procedures
and an informed consent document as set forth in
VA and other Federal regulations to be used in situations
where the use of such procedures and documents is
Procedures are in place to inform, at the earliest feasible
opportunity, each subject or legally authorized representative
or family member, of the subject's inclusion in the
clinical investigation.
There is a procedure to inform the subject, legally authorized
representative or family member that the subject's
participation may be discontinued at any time without
penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject
is otherwise entitled.
There must be a separate IND or IDE for the study for
any FDA regulated product.
If the study does not involve an FDA-regulated product,
there is concurrence by the Agency Secretary that
the waiver is appropriate.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
all ten factors. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
less than ten factors. |
The institution does
not conduct any planned emergency research. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
21CFR50.24(d), FDA Information Sheets – Informed
Consent Exception, FDA Information Sheets – Planned
Emergency Research, OPRR Reports 97-01 |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions. |
The IRB also requires,
in planned emergency research proposals, that additional
protections of the rights and welfare of the subjects will
be provided through, at least the following:
Consultation with representatives of the community.
Public disclosure to the community prior to the study.
Public disclosure of the results of the investigation
following completion.
Establishment of an independent data monitoring committee.
The investigator will summarize efforts made to contact
family members and make this information available
to the IRB at the time of continuing review.
Scoring Guidelines |
100% |
75% |
50% |
0% |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
all five factors. |
NA |
NA |
Policies and procedures address
less than five factors. |
The institution does not conduct
any planned emergency research. |
Scope of Review |
NCQA evaluates this
element for each IRB used. |
Accreditation |
0% Þ Accreditation
no greater than Accredited with Conditions |
Regulatory Support |
21CFR50.24(a)(7)(ii), 21CFR50.24(a)(7)(iii), 21CFR50.24(a)(7)(iv),
21CFR50.24(a)(7)(v), FDA Information Sheets – Informed
Consent Exception, FDA Information Sheets – Planned
Emergency Research |
Data Sources |
Documented process |
Notes |
Examples of documents
that may demonstrate compliance with this element include:
policies and procedures, investigator guidelines/instructions. |