Melatonin Therapy: From Benzodiazepine-Dependent Insomnia to Authenticity
and Autonomy
by Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D.
Archives of Internal Medicine
Volume:159, page: 2393, November 8, 1999
For patients for whom the potential short-term benefits of insomnia relief
by benzodiazepine therapy are offset by their specific vulnerability
to both acute and long-term adverse effects or dependency, the study
by Garfinkel and colleagues [1] using melatonin therapy
for discontinuation offers a hopeful adjunct in the weaning process and
a sleep-maintenance alternative to benzodiazepine therapy. Alternatives
such as melatonin therapy can be also helpful in maintaining a therapeutic
alliance by offering a treatment enabling focus instead of a do-or-die
crisislike atmosphere that can surround the encounter between a concerned
clinician and a vulnerable, anxious patient seeking or already dependent
on benzodiazepines. Thus, for clinicians who treat patients who are benzodiazepine-dependent
and suffer from insomnia, an informed consent process that offers melatonin
therapy as an alternative to benzodiazepine dependence integrates good
clinical care with effective risk management by carefully navigating
between the Scylla of addiction and the Charybdis of abandonment.
To Sleep Perchance To Dream To Remember Perchance To Be Sleepless
Sleep disturbance has a variety of causes. Although unreported by Garfinkel
et al, it is reasonable to hope that the patients included in their study
had an adequate diagnostic workup for such physiological causes of disturbed
sleep in the elderly as early Alzheimer syndrome. But a complete diagnostic
workup also needs to include the far more difficult to diagnose and often
overlooked neuropsychiatric and psychosocial causes of disturbed sleep.
Still, a managed care–influenced skeptic may ask, "What difference
does a comprehensive diagnostic workup make if melatonin treatment can
obviate the need for benzodiazepines?" However, a clinically informed
pragmatist can answer the skeptic by pointing to the value of not overlooking
often neglected yet treatable causes of sleeplessness. Thus, it would
be helpful to know whether such a complete workup was undertaken for
the patients in the reported study. If not, the workup should still proceed,
even for patients who can now sleep with melatonin therapy.
Among the treatable causes of insomnia in some elderly are chronic bereavement
and chronic depression (dysthymia), as well as disorders in the posttraumatic
stress spectrum and their complications. The social- and work-impairing
symptoms of these disorders can include a mixture of hyperarousal; irritability;
difficulty in concentration; demoralization; fatigue; and loss of pleasure
(anhedonia), including a lack of sexual appetite, obsessive rumination,
increased superstitions, phobias, a foreshortened sense of future, and
a sense of the meaninglessness of life. Undiagnosed and untreated, these
disorders and often their unvoiced and impairing symptoms can persist
even in the face of reports of a good night's sleep with benzodiazepine
therapy. In the elderly, the above symptoms are all too often and all
too easily written off as simply "normal aging" and "this
is what happens when you get old."
The reported study also raises the question whether that group of patients
who remained dependent on benzodiazepines in spite of the authors' careful
efforts at weaning represents a subgroup for which the memory-suppressing
properties of benzodiazepines are particularly important. Intrusive memories
are a hallmark of a variety of disorders, including posttraumatic stress
disorder and pathological grief. On the other hand, some kinds of memory,
such as autobiographical memory, are important for a meaningful life.
Other kinds of memory, such as procedural memory (eg, how to drive),
are essential to many tasks of daily living. The inhibition of each by
benzodiazepines is far too high a price to pay for sleep. [2-4]
While benzodiazepines have a role to play in treating the acute complications
of trauma (acute stress disorder) by providing relief from agitation,
its potential inhibition of autobiographical and procedural memory formation
and retrieval is a major roadblock in treating patients with posttraumatic
stress disorder by helping those who are suffering find renewed meaning
and exercise renewed skill in coping with life. [5]
The alternative of using sedating antidepressants, such as trazodone,
for sleep can result in dream suppression or suppressed dream recall,
although overly vivid and disturbing dreams have been reported as well
with other antidepressants. [6] Although disturbing
dreams or nightmares are the hallmark of posttraumatic stress disorder,
[7] their occurrence is even more widespread. In the
Israeli sample of elderly sleepless patients, a relevant question to
ask is how many of the patients who remained dependent on benzodiazepines
were traumatized Holocaust survivors with continued sleep disturbance
that is manifested by ongoing frightening dreams. [8]
Benzodiazepine therapy may have been symptomatically helpful for this
group by both suppressing the night terrors of stages 3 and 4 of sleep
and decreasing the anticipatory anxiety heightened by prior dream recall
when falling asleep. However, as noted above, the price of such tranquilization
in terms of inhibiting meaningful therapy for chronic posttraumatic stress
disorder is high. Even in the course of normal aging, as life continues
and the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune find their mark, what
we seek to set aside during the days of our lives often returns in the
form of frightening, sad, and disturbing dreams whose remembrance and
anticipation make for sleepless nights. Once heard, such sadness can
be often helped by relatively time-limited supportive therapy or by simply
helping the patients to restore their sense of social connection. Unfortunately,
except for the most psychologically minded patients, the useful information
of hidden sadness and trauma contained in dreams will not be volunteered
unless specific inquiry is made.
Even patients who are not psychologically minded and who deny persistent
sad and anxious moods may offer physicians clues to hidden depressive
or anxiety disorders by reporting sad or frightening dreams when questioned
tactfully. Adding the simple question "How well do you remember
your dreams?" to the standard clinical
"review of systems" is a useful and long overdue modification
that may be used prior to or at least concurrently with prescribing memory-inhibiting
or dream-suppressing agents. Even patients who, out of shame and fear,
deny any memory or sleep impairment will feel free to volunteer that
they do not remember their dreams as well as they used to or, to the
contrary, that sleeplessness has resulted in a greater recall of disturbing
dreams. The price of treating one's sleepless nights no longer needs
to be dreamless nights or frightening or meaningless days.
Why Not Let Sleeping Dogs Lie?
The major impediment to the clinical evaluation and treatment of insomnia,
especially in the elderly, is the attitude of "if it ain't broke,
don't fix it," which, in its more extreme form, reflects the fear
of raising patient anxieties and fears by well-motivated albeit ill-conceived
or poorly timed inquiry. In light of the managed care–influenced shrinkage
of time available for talking with patients, the subheading above accurately
reflects clinician resistance to additional clinical responsibilities
for addressing quality-of-life issues, such as sleeplessness in the elderly.
However, there are a variety of clinical, ethical, and legal reasons
why managed health care organizations need to reconsider current disincentives
to clinicians talking with patients and, when indicated, consulting with
Clinically, sleeplessness in the elderly, although often unreported,
is a common problem. Recent studies suggest that insomnia is rarely a
volunteered problem, and patients with "closet" insomnia tend
to have a much higher rate of interaction with their health care providers.
In one study, approximately half of such patients had disorders in the
depressive spectrum. [9] Although such patients are
often dismissed as "hypochondriacs" or even derided as "crocks," shying
away from inquiring about sleep and dreams saves neither time nor cost
and undermines the treatment of these problems. While reliance on benzodiazepine
treatment may initially restore sleep for such patients, it does not
treat other occult but significant neuropsychiatric disorders or the
symptoms or underlying causes of depressive and stress disorders. Not
only does benzodiazepine therapy not treat the root causes of depressive
and stress disorders, but it may exacerbate depressive states as well
as foster dependency.
From an ethical perspective, the prescription of benzodiazepines for
insomnia in the elderly can proceed only when accompanied by an informed
consent process. This process must begin by informing the patient of
the need for a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation and the availability
of alternative primary approaches, including using melatonin and promising
behavioral interventions. [10] Moreover, the patient
must also be informed of the well-recognized risks of benzodiazepine
treatment for patients with neuropsychiatric disorders. [11]
Even when a patient asks for benzodiazepine therapy or is already dependent
on it, an informed consent process needs to be initiated. By this, we
do not mean "pro forma" informed consent. [12]
Simply signing a form does not count for a meaningful informed consent
process. Rather, given the negative impact of anxiety, depression, and
sleeplessness on reading, comprehension, and retention, physicians need
the time and motivation to talk with patients and review the differential
diagnosis, needed workup, treatment alternatives, and relevant benefits
and risks each time a benzodiazepine prescription is first written to
treat insomnia in the elderly. Once initiated, such an informed consent
process needs to continue even after the initial encounter. Thus, when
an elderly patient's benzodiazepine therapy is being monitored, physicians
need to continue to talk with the patient regarding alternative approaches
for insomnia. An added benefit of such an informed consent process is
that it allows physicians to perform an ongoing informal Mini-Mental
Status Examination–like screen that is sensitive to early signs of diminished
capacity or fluctuating competency in the face of progressive cognitive
impairment exacerbated by benzodiazepine therapy. [13]
From a legal perspective, the informed consent process is also crucial.
In some patients, such as those with Alzheimer disease and sleep disturbance,
this process may include referral for a forensic psychiatric consultation
to evaluate competency. Where significant diminished capacity exists,
recommending that the patient's family petition the court for appointment
of a guardian for treatment purposes may be in order. Melatonin itself
is a promising treatment for patients with sleep disturbances related
to Alzheimer disease, [14] when an increased sleep
latency and a decrease in melatonin production seem to coincide.
Patients with early-stage Alzheimer disease represent a particularly
vulnerable subpopulation among elderly sleepless persons. On one hand,
patients with minimal dementia are particularly sensitive to having their
cognitive capacity degraded by sleeplessness and most likely will eventually
exhaust their families by "wandering"
sleepless. On the other hand, patients with dementia are also especially
sensitive to the sedative depressant effects of benzodiazepines. All
too many premature nursing home placements as well as accidents, such
as slips and falls, occur as a result of patients with early-stage Alzheimer
disease being undertreated or overmedicated for insomnia. Given the significant
risks of dependency and the likelihood of significant albeit occult neuropsychiatric
comorbid conditions in patients who are long-term (more than 3 months
of constant use) benzodiazepine users for sleep, a psychiatric referral
for this subgroup is most often merited. Also, even prior to the conclusion
of ongoing clinical trials of melatonin therapy for sleeplessness related
to Alzheimer disease, to the extent that the reported findings are generalizable,
any patient with Alzheimer disease who is sleepless and dreamless deserves
the opportunity for a therapeutic trial of melatonin. [15, 16]
Sleep, Memory, And Autonomy
Melatonin treatment is no panacea. The current study, although promising,
raises the question: Were the patients in this study an especially motivated
subgroup? Even so, this does not diminish the importance of the process
described, since motivation plus medication are often the needed synergy
for addiction recovery. In the managed care era, we see a triage mentality
as a major obstacle to appropriately treating quality-of-life symptoms,
such as sleeplessness in the elderly. [17] Nonetheless,
both good clinical practice and ethics require treatment for sleeplessness
beyond the benzodiazepine therapy solution. Untreated or overmedicated,
silent yet sleep-deprived or sedated patients often overuse clinical
resources, become candidates for accidents, and suffer significant social
and work impairment. Thus, not only direct health care costs but disability
and work accidents leading to worker's compensation claims can be controlled
and sleeplessness can be treated without reliance on benzodiazepines.
Melatonin therapy may not improve all stages of sleep for all sleepless
elderly. Moreover, the generalizability of the study by Garfinkel et
al must also be considered in light of the relatively small number of
patients and clinical reports (ie, that melatonin can increase the vividness
of dreams). In at least some recent studies, melatonin therapy was found
to decrease sleep latency without improving the total time a patient
was asleep. [18-20] However, even reducing the time
it takes to fall asleep, without improving total sleep time, can have
significant positive meaning to an elderly patient seeking to maintain
an internal locus of control and sense of autonomy as age advances. Patients
need to be informed that we do not know the long-term consequences of
melatonin therapy. Different physician-patient relationships may also
result in wide variability in clinical judgment as to benzodiazepine
therapy indications. However, with the now-demonstrated usefulness of
melatonin therapy to wean elderly sleep-disturbed patients from benzodiazepines
and as America ages and "grays," clinicians have the opportunity
and health care organizations have the responsibility to facilitate making
available as a choice effective benzodiazepine-free treatment for insomnia.
Choosing benzodiazepine-free treatment for insomnia can help patients
sleep, dream, remember, and continue to have access to both the continuity
of autobiographical memories relevant to authenticity and the procedural
memory essential to autonomy. [21]
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