Ask the Expert
Daubert Without Prejudice: Achieving Relevance and Reliability
Without Randomness
Harold J. Bursztajn, MD
Linda Stout Saunders, JD
Archie Brodsky, B.A.
Dr. Harold J. Bursztajn, Associate Clinical Professor and Co-Director,
Program in Psychiatry and the Law, Harvard Medical School at the
Massachusetts Mental Health Center, practices both as a clinician
and as a forensic psychiatrist consulting locally and nationally
to attorneys and institutions. [1] Linda Stout Saunders,
a former Special Judge for Concord District Court (Concord, N.H.),
is President-elect of the New Hampshire Trial Lawyers Association
and Director of Jurimetrics Associates, which offers consulting services
in the area of law and psychiatry. Archie Brodsky is Senior Research
Associate, Program in Psychiatry and the Law, Harvard Medical School
at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center. The authors are affiliated
with Judge and Jury Decision Making, a research and consultation
service dedicated to understanding the processes by which judges
and juries make decisions when complex scientific evidence is at
The O.J. Simpson verdict raises serious questions about how much impact
complex scientific evidence really has on a jury, as against other
issues raised, explicitly or implicitly, at trial. What can we learn
from this case about how prejudicial factors may affect a jury's
consideration of such evidence?
The Simpson case was an object lesson in the unintended consequences
of the presentation of complex scientific evidence -- unanticipated
ways in which such evidence may be misperceived by the jury. Indeed,
the more complex the evidence, the more ways it can be misperceived.
When the evidence is as far removed from familiar experience as DNA
evidence is, its potential impact must be assessed in the context
of the jurors' preexisting biases.
For example, both blood and DNA can evoke implicit associations with
race. These associations might not come into play in a trial that
did not revolve around racial issues. But in a trial that became
as highly charged with racial imagery and symbolism as that of O.J.
Simpson, the testimony about blood and DNA testing, as the jurors
heard it, might well have amplified the defense focus on an alleged
racially motivated police conspiracy. [2] Would
you say, then, that evidence that is not in itself unfairly prejudicial
may become unfairly prejudicial in light of the jurors' preexisting
biases? Exactly. In such cases the prejudicial character of the testimony
lies not in the evidence alone, but in the way the evidence may arouse
latent biases in the jury when presented in adversarial and anxiety-filled
proceedings. And that makes the judge's task of balancing the probative
value of proffered testimony against its prejudicial impact [3] all
the more challenging. As with any evidence, and perhaps even more
than most, the potential prejudicial impact of complex scientific
or technical information will vary greatly depending on the form
in which it is admitted and presented. Does the U.S. Supreme Court's
decision in Daubert vs. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., [4] which
concerned the admissibility of expert testimony about scientific,
technical, or other specialized knowledge, bear upon this question?
It is highly relevant. In Daubert the Court ruled that the
adoption of the Federal Rules of Evidence in 1975 had superseded the
seventy-year-old Frye test, under which the scientific basis
of expert testimony must have gained "general acceptance in the
particular field to which it belongs" to be admissible. [5] The
Court stated, "The Rules--especially Rule 702--place appropriate
limits on the admissibility of purportedly scientific evidence by assigning
to the trial judge the task of ensuring that an expert's testimony both
rests on a reliable foundation and is relevant to the task at hand." [6] The
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has followed suit in replacing Frye with
a Daubert-like standard. [7] Daubert opened
up the question of the admissibility of relatively novel, leading-edge
scientific evidence. The Court recognized that, as courtroom testimony
draws more and more on advanced science and technology (ranging from
DNA testing to computer simulations), trial judges must make increasingly
sensitive determinations of the reliability and relevance of such testimony.
The Court's decision in Daubert provides guidelines by which
judges can make these determinations with the help of the expert witnesses
retained by the opposing parties. What we need now is an analogous process
for determining the possible prejudicial impact of complex scientific
evidence, so that judges will be equally well-informed when they consider
the other side of the delicate balance of admissibility.
What would be an example of how complex scientific evidence might have
an unfairly prejudicial impact on the jury?
Sometimes technical evidence finds its way into the courtroom even when
the scientist responsible for developing the technique finds the
use made of it objectionable. For example, a psychological test was
introduced in court to show that a defendant was malingering a psychiatric
illness. However, by the interpretive protocols established by its
developers, the test in this case did not produce a valid profile
of the defendant for legal purposes (or, worse yet, even for clinical
purposes). Thus, the test probably should have been ruled inadmissible
because it was neither relevant nor reliable when used improperly.
Yet when the profile it did produce was presented to the jury in
a graphic display, especially without any notation that it was invalid,
even the most vigorous testimony to that effect by the expert witnesses
retained by the opposing side could not overcome the impact of the
initial visual display, with its trappings of scientific precision.
Sometimes the selective admission of psychological evidence can be prejudicial
in that it gives the jury an unbalanced view of the psychological
dynamics of the case. For example, in a recent New Hampshire case
in which an attorney was accused of sexually abusing a client, [8] the
prosecution was permitted to introduce a treating clinician's testimony
based on the use of questionable techniques such as regression under
hypnosis and anatomical dolls. The expert retained by the prosecution
was allowed to testify that the alleged victim's delayed "recall" was
a classic example of dissociation. The expert retained by the defense,
on the other hand, was not permitted to testify about the psychological
process of projection, which might have led the alleged victim to "recall" an
event that did not actually occur. This, in spite of the fact that
both dissociation and projection are recognized as processes in the
American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
(Fourth Edition). In this instance, evidence that in itself need
not have been unfairly prejudicial may have had an unfairly prejudicial
impact because it was not balanced by equally relevant and reliable
opposing evidence.
If evidence is introduced that may be unfairly prejudicial, won't the
judge's instructions to the jury to disregard it, or to consider it only
in some limited context, cure the problem?
Empirical research on how juries reach decisions confirms what attorneys
and judges know from practical experience -- that juries, notwithstanding
the judge's instructions, cannot easily dismiss what they have seen
and heard. [9] Therefore, the potentially prejudicial
character of any testimony needs to be considered thoroughly before
the evidence is introduced. How can complex scientific or technical
evidence be evaluated for prejudicial impact? The courts have not
addressed the determination of prejudicial impact of complex scientific
evidence in the systematic way in which the Supreme Court in Daubert outlined
a process for determining the reliability and relevance of that evidence.
The Daubert decision gave trial judges some guidelines
for exercising their responsibility to rule on the admissibility
of scientific evidence. In order for trial judges to strike a proper
balance between the probative and the prejudicial, it would be useful
to have similar guidelines on the other side of the scale. A judge
may need to consider the possible prejudicial impact of highly complex
evidence while taking into account preexisting juror biases that
may be subtle and not at all evident in voir dire, but which
may emerge in the course of the supercharged emotional atmosphere
which one side or the other is invested in creating. Judges who evaluate
the prejudicial impact of complex scientific evidence might find
it helpful to have flexible guidelines for judicial determinations
similar to those articulated for reliability by Daubert.
They also might wish to solicit "second opinions" at the
trial level, from experts in the area of individual and group decision
making under conditions of uncertainty, rather than simply await
the de facto judicial second opinions delivered from hindsight at
the end of a long appeals process.
Why can't such determinations be left to the cultivated intuition of
Intuition may work well when it comes to common, familiar types of evidence.
Indeed, wise, experienced judges can often make very sound decisions
even when faced with a kind of evidence with which they have no prior
experience. But even the most experienced judge, when presented with
unfamiliar forms of evidence or presentations of evidence (such as
computer simulations), may want to take time out for some second
opinions about its possible prejudicial impact.
How can the judge obtain these second opinions?
By conducting hearings outside the presence of the jury, in which experts
in the psychology of information processing and individual and group
decision making could address the question of the unfairly prejudicial
impact of the proffered evidence. Such experts, while increasing
the cost to the opposing parties at the trial level, could decrease
the enormous financial and emotional costs of a hindsight-based appeals
process. Also, the trial judge would make the final determination
of the validity and relevance of the experts' opinions in a manner
less subject to the possibility of a reversible error.
Would the experts who render opinions on the potential prejudicial impact
of the proffered evidence be the same experts who render opinions on
its probative value -- that is, experts on the scientific or technical
field in question?
No. The judge is in a position to decide on the probative value of evidence
by listening to experts in the field of knowledge on which the evidence
bears. However, to render an opinion on the subtle, multifaceted
interaction between a particular type of evidence (or presentation
of evidence) and jurors' preconceptions, taking into account community
attitudes, requires expertise in the very process of decision making.
Both the judge determining the admissibility of evidence and the
jury weighing the evidence are making decisions under conditions
of uncertainty. How people process information to make judgments
under conditions of uncertainty, whether in the medical clinic or
in the courtroom, is itself the subject of a growing body of scientific
knowledge. [10] This science of decision making
is a necessary foundation for understanding the psychological impact
of various kinds of evidence in different social and legal contexts.
It is the primary area of expertise on which judges need to draw
in assessing potential prejudicial impact.
What are some of the questions on which this expertise in decision making
can shed light? To begin with, there is the psychology of prejudice
-- the historical and cultural roots of racial, ethnic, and gender
stereotyping and the psychological functions that stereotypes serve
for the individual or the community. In cases where a person's mental
state is at issue, stereotypes about madness may enter into the jury's
thinking, sometimes in conjunction with racial, ethnic, and gender
stereotyping. [11] (It is essential, therefore,
to address the possibility of unfair prejudice in insanity-defense
cases, where the evidence is by its very nature unfamiliar, testimony
is proffered about states of mind alien to common sense and experience,
and it is heard through a filter tinged with preconceptions about
mental illness.) The judge's task of bringing these influences to
light is complicated by the fact that prospective jurors' biases
may not be apparent in voir dire, either to the attorneys or to those
being questioned. People sometimes unintentionally, albeit skillfully,
deny and conceal their biases, both to others and to themselves.
For this reason, in highly sensitive cases, a single examination in voir
dire may not be sufficient to discover the latent preconceptions
that may bias a juror's consideration of the evidence. In a series
of psychological experiments, the subjects (some of whom were judges)
assessed a hypothetical situation differently when one word in the
vignette was replaced with a seemingly equivalent word. [12] The
fact that a small variation in language can lead people to make different
choices indicates that prejudicial trial testimony may appear in
quite subtle forms. Experts in the psychology of decision making
can use this experimental model to explore underlying biases that
might be triggered by the testimony being considered for admissibility.
Are jurors' reactions more uniform and reliable when the evidence is
statistical -- that is, when it is expressed in numbers rather than words?
It is a mistake to assume that juries can reliably separate the wheat
from the chaff when it comes to expert testimony. With statistical
evidence, the selection and arrangement of the numbers and the way
they are framed with words give attorneys and experts ample opportunity
to engage the preconceptions of jurors. In weighing the testimony
of opposing experts, statistical or otherwise, jurors fall back on
shorthand decision strategies, called heuristics, that we all use
to process the deluge of information that hits us daily. [13] For
example, a few of these unconscious or half-conscious rules of thumb
have to do with the sequence in which the jury hears the two experts:
Anchoring and adjustment -- The juror makes a provisional
judgment on the basis of the testimony heard first and then adjusts his
or her opinion on the basis of later testimony. With this heuristic the
earlier testimony remains dominant.
Availability -- The juror decides on the basis of the
most readily available information. This may be the more recent testimony
or that which was presented in the most comprehensible form.
Vividness -- The juror decides on the basis of the information
he or she recalls most vividly. This may be the more recent testimony
or that which made the stronger impression when it was presented.
Keep in mind that these are only a few of the largely automatic thought
processes that may come into play, especially in the service of preexisting
Can verbal testimony or instructions be overwhelmed by the direct impact
of visual evidence?
Yes. For example, when John Gotti was acquitted of Federal racketeering
and conspiracy charges in New York in 1987, the jury seems to have
been strongly influenced by a chart prepared by defense counsel detailing
the lengthy criminal records of seven prosecution witnesses against
Gotti. [14] In a case of alleged sexual abuse of
children (such as the Fells Acre case in Middlesex County), not allowing
the defendants to face their accusers gives the jury a powerful visual
image of the defendants as people from whom children must be protected.
However firmly the judge may instruct the jury to disregard the physical
placement of the defendants and the children, jurors may have difficulty
dismissing the natural inference that "where there's smoke,
there's fire." These are the kinds of dynamics about which
a judge may seek advice of an expert in decision making.
The more we explore this area, the more complex it becomes.
Exactly. To make that complexity more manageable, judges in some cases
may wish to request expert reports from specialists in the psychology
of decision making before deciding on the admissibility of potentially
prejudicial evidence. Although this terrain is admittedly treacherous,
informed evidentiary determinations by trial judges may build up
a useful body of case law on other kinds of prejudicial evidence
besides prior-act testimony, about which a considerable body of case
law already exists. [15] If, in spite of (or in
the absence of) all precautions, prejudicial evidence is introduced,
what remedies are available? Attorneys who believe that testimony
unfairly prejudicial to their client has been introduced can try
to neutralize this testimony in questioning their own experts and
in closing argument. They can also ask the judge to hold a hearing
to weigh the prejudicial character of the testimony already given.
If the judge (with or without such a hearing) believes that the testimony
in question really is unfairly prejudicial, the judge can admit the
error and instruct the jury to disregard this testimony precisely
for that reason. The judge can do likewise when unfairly prejudicial
statements are made in closing argument. However, if the judge's
instruction is felt by an attorney to be ineffective in curing the
harm done by the introduction of the unfairly prejudicial evidence,
the attorney can move for a mistrial. Finally, the attorney has the
option of appealing the verdict. Still, since these after-the-fact
remedies tend to be relatively ineffective, they are better avoided
with some thorough preparation.
To improve that preparation, are there any additional remedies that are
not now being fully utilized?
There is tremendous untapped potential in the use of direct questioning
of expert witnesses by jurors and judges. Typically, jurors submit
written questions to the judge, who, after screening them with the
respective attorneys, poses them to the witness. The Federal Rules
of Evidence establish the right of a federal trial judge to question
witnesses, [16] and various federal and state courts
have held that it is within a trial judge's discretion to permit
questions from jurors. [17] Experiments in a number
of jurisdictions have shown that juror questioning of witnesses can
enhance juror participation and responsibility, especially in complex
cases. [18] If this approach were more widely practiced,
juries in cases involving complex or otherwise potentially prejudicial
evidence would, in that sense, be acting more like grand juries,
which are permitted to ask questions of the attorneys or witnesses
before them. Judges could then use the methods of experienced group
therapists [19] to engage jurors in a collaborative
dialogue with witnesses that would change rather than reinforce any
preexisting juror biases. For their part, experts, once alerted to
possible prejudicial reactions, can address these by the way they
present their own evidence. For example, an expert introducing DNA
evidence to a tentative, suspicious jury could begin by talking about
the many ways in which DNA testing is used, including nonlegal contexts
(such as diagnosing prenatal conditions) and noncriminal legal contexts
(such as helping adopted children find their biological parents). [20] As
background, the expert might relate the story of the woman who claimed
for decades to be the Russian Czar's lost daughter Anastasia. Her
DNA was tested posthumously against that of Britain's Prince Philip
(a descendant of the Russian royal family) and that of a man related
to the Polish factory worker who skeptics believed -- and the DNA
ultimately showed -- had transformed herself into "Anastasia." Familiarizing
jurors with the wider range of uses of DNA evidence can help create
a platform for open-minded consideration and thoughtful deliberation
by jurors otherwise caught up in the flood of emotion which a contentious
criminal trial can unleash.
Questions regarding this or future columns
may be addressed to Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D., 96 Larchwood Drive,
Cambridge, MA 02138. Tel. (617) 492-8366, Fax (617) 441-3195 (e-mail:
"'Unfair prejudice' within its context
means an undue tendency to suggest decision on an improper basis,
commonly, though not necessarily, an emotional one." Fed. R.
Evid. 403 (Advisory Committee's Note). The Supreme Court of Vermont
has elaborated as follows: "Evidence is unfairly prejudicial
if its primary purpose or effect is to appeal to a jury's sympathies,
arouse its sense of horror, provoke its instinct to punish, or trigger
other mainsprings of human action that may cause a jury to base its
decision on something other than the established propositions in
the case." State v. Bruyette, 158 Vt. 21, 604 A.2d
1270, 1274 (Vt. 1992) (brackets and quotations omitted).
Fed. R. Evid. 403.
Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals,
Inc., 113 S. Ct. 2786 (1993).
Frye v. United States, 293 F.
1013, 1014 (D.C. Cir. 1923).
Daubert, 113 S. Ct. at 2790.
Commonwealth v. Lanigan, 419 Mass. 15 (1994).
New Hampshire v. Ross, Hillsborough
County, Northern District, Superior Court S-94-441, 94-1628
"There are many procedures at trial whereby
jurors are instructed to ignore information but in which they apparently
do not. These include admonitions to disregard trial testimony, [and]
instructions to use evidence for one limited purpose...." Jonathan
D. Casper and Kennette M. Benedict, The Influence of Outcome Information
and Attitudes on Juror Decision Making in Search and Seizure Cases,
in Inside the Juror: The Psychology of Juror Decision Making 65,
82 (Reid Hastie ed., 1993) (citations omitted). "When seemingly
probative information is ruled inadmissible because of due process
violations, jurors may nevertheless incorporate it in their probability-of-guilt
assessment." Robert J. MacCoun, Experimental Research on Jury
Decision-Making, 244 Science 1046, 1047 (1989) (citations omitted). "The
ways in which inadmissible or extralegal evidence may influence a
juror can range from blatant intentional disregard of the judges'
instructions to subtle alterations in the construal of the rest of
the evidence in jurors who make a sincere effort to ignore the inadmissible
evidence and believe that they have succeeded." Phoebe C. Ellsworth,
Some Steps Between Attitudes and Verdicts, in Inside the Juror: The
Psychology of Juror Decision Making 42, 47 (Reid Hastie ed., 1993)
(citations omitted).
See Harold J. Bursztajn et al., Medical
Choices, Medical Chances: How Patients, Families, and Physicians
Can Cope With Uncertainty (Routledge 1990) (1981).
See Sander L. Gilman, Difference and Pathology:
Stereotypes of Sexuality, Race, and Madness (1985).
Harold J. Bursztajn, Benzion Chanowitz,
Thomas G. Gutheil, and Robert M. Hamm, Micro-effects of Language
on Risk Perception in Drug Prescribing Behavior, 20 Bull. Am. Acad.
Psychiatry & Law 59 (1992). See also Harold J. Bursztajn et al.,
Medical and Judicial Perceptions of the Risks Associated With Use
of Antipsychotic Medication, 19 Bull. Am. Acad. Psychiatry & Law
271 (1991).
See R. M. Hogarth, Judgment and Choice:
The Psychology of Decision (1980); Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics
and Biases (Daniel Kahneman et al. eds., 1982).
Edward R. Tufte, Envisioning Information
30-31 (Graphics Press, 1990). See also Photographs and Maps Go to
Court (Larry Gillen ed., American Society for Photography and Remote
Sensing, 1986); Gregory P. Joseph, Modern Visual Evidence (1989).
See Edward J. Imwinkelreid, Uncharged Misconduct
Evidence (1984 & Supp. 1994); Linda Stout Saunders, Annual Survey
of New Hampshire Evidence Law - Part I: Focus on Rule 404(b), 17
Trial Bar News (New Hampshire Trial Lawyers Ass'n, forthcoming December
Fed. R. Evid. 614(b).
Carrie Shrallow, Note, Expanding Jury Participation:
Is It a Good Idea? 12 U. Bridgeport L. Rev. 209 (1991).
Id. at 221-226. See also Sand
and Reiss, A Report on Seven Experiments Conducted by District Court
Judges in the Second Circuit, 60 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 423 (1985); Heuer
and Penrod, Increasing Jurors' Participation in Trials: A Field Experiment
with Jury Note-taking and Question Asking, 12 J. L. & Human Behav.
231 (1988).
See Max Day and Elvin V. Semrad, Psychoanalytically
Oriented Group Psychotherapy, in Psychoanalytic Techniques: A Handbook
for the Practicing Psychoanalyst 511 (Benjamin B. Wolman ed., 1967).
Patricia M.L. Illingworth, personal communication.